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It was a cold morning. The sun was barely up, not having the chance to warm the world just yet. Rob stretched in bed before he got up, going to take a shower then went back to his room, opening the curtains. He glanced outside, smiling at the city he’d chosen to be his home. It was already alive with many who’ve woken up early that morning, buzzing with life. 

He got dressed, stood before a mirror, adjusting the collar of his shirt that he’d opted to leave open, pulled on his jacket. He looked himself over in the mirror again, satisfied, he went into the hall of his penthouse, but stopped, rolling his eyes when he remembered he needed to drag a certain someone along.

He walked up to his door, knocking but got no answer. He opened it, sighing at the sleeping man, splayed on his belly over the bed, half of him almost falling from it. He went to the nightstand, grabbing the remote there before clicking a button that made the curtains start opening, which had the man groan, turning only to end up on the ground with a thud.

“Morning.” Rob said.

“Why can’t you let me sleep in peace?” Benjie whined, glaring at Rob as he sat on his knees, rubbing the side of his head where it hit the ground.

“I told you to stop partying all night. This isn’t my fault. Now, go get showered and dressed. We don’t have all morning. We have to be in the office by 7:00 sharp.”

“Why so early.” He sighed.

“If you want success, you can’t be the last one in your own business. You have to set an example, make sure everyone understands they have to be early to be on time.”

“You are the worst.” Benjie grumbled as he got to his feet, stumbling to the bathroom. Rob shrugged, going to the kitchen and sitting at the island as he scrolled through his emails, wrote a few notes, and replied to others. His eyes lifted when he saw Benjie walking down the hall, stopping when their eyes met before Benjie rolled his eyes, “Why are you still here?” he asked.

“Are you kidding me?” Rob said as he watched Benjie walk around the counter with only boxers on and a towel around his neck, his hair dripped water. “I told you to finish getting dressed.”

“I was going to follow you there. Why are you such a nag?” Benjie grumbled, “Can’t I get breakfast first?”

“We will do that on the way. Go. Now. Or I swear I’m calling Toby to tell him about this.” Rob threatened.

“What the hell? Just using him as a threat like that every time I do something you don’t like? Stupid.”

“I dare you, say that again.” Rob said, glaring. Benjie glared back for the longest time before tisking, heading to his room to change without another word. It wasn’t the threat. It was the fact that Rob was letting him stay, and Tobias’s one condition was that he worked as he did. He still didn’t want to return to the mansion, and this was his only escape for the time being.

After getting in a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, he walked out, tossing his leather jacket on. “Let’s go.” Heading to the door and not waiting for Rob who got up and followed silently. 

They made their way to the elevator, then down to the ground floor, where Rob greeted the staff of their building, the security and the cleaners the same, before they walked out, going to the nearest coffee shop where the barista smiled at him, saying, “The usual?”

“You know it.” Rob winked, paying the man who proceeded to flirt with him before handing him the two coffees and croissants. Rob gave Benjie his share as they made their way to his office.

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