"Oh yeah sure." He said, shoving Hermione off his back.

"Hey!" She said, shoving him back.

He followed George into the kitchen.

"What's up, brother of mine?" Fred smiled.

"Give over, Freddie." Said George. Fred looked confused. "The crush on Granger? We're all noticing it, you need to do something about it."

"What? Pfft no, Granger no." Fred said. "She's just a really good friend."

"Yeah who you've been sharing a bed with for the past week." He said.

"Well it's not like we're....naked...or doing anything. It's just sleeping." Said Fred. "We're just good friends, George."

"Yeah, you're good friends who just happen to have huge crushes on each other."

"Come off it, Hermione doesn't have a crush on me, she'd never see me that way." Said Fred.

George took a deep breath. "Look Fred, I'm being honest with you here. Granger has the hots for you and I know you like her as more than just a 'good friend' too so just for all our sakes do something about it."

"Right what could possess you to think that?"

"Okay. You two have been flirting for months, when you say something vaguely flirty towards her, she blushes and gets flustered. She plays with her hair a lot when she's around you and she even told Ginny the other day that she finds you attractive. Literally, go and flirt with her now, I guarantee you that she will blush and or giggle. You on the other hand, always light up when she's around, you always look at her with these big soft eyes and you always talk about her and whenever I try and confront you about it, you deny everything."

"No I'm just...there for her and she's there for me. We have a great friendship and I wouldn't want to ruin anything with her by taking anything further. You've got it all wrong, Georgie." Fred said.

"Right tonight, I'm going to physically prove it to you. By the new year, you will believe me, I promise."

"Alright. I still don't believe you but fine." Said Fred.

"Just go in there and flirt with her, you'll see what I mean." George said.

"I'm not flirting with my best friend to prove a point, George."

"C'mon I'll be your wingman as usual." Said George, nudging him.

"I don't need a wingman."

"Ah so you're confident enough to try on your own." George smiled.

"Well no I just...right let's go back out and be...social or whatever." Said Fred, awkwardly.

They got back out and all eyes were on Fred and Hermione.

"Right okay. Who's up for games, anyone?" Asked Harry.

"Sure, I'm in." Shrugged Hermione.

George looked at Fred who glared back at him. He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah me too." Fred said awkwardly .

George shook his head at his twin.

"Right, we need shot glasses and vodka." Said George with a glint in his eye.

"Fred, Hermione why don't you go and get them? We'll clear the living room." said Harry.

"C'mon Granger." Said Fred, nodding for her to join her in the kitchen.

"I don't want to get too drunk tonight, I don't want to be hung over for tomorrow." Said Hermione.

"Nah you're just scared you're gonna get so drunk you suddenly find me wildly attractive and pounce on me." Fred winked.

Really, I'm Yours - Fremione One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now