I ignored his words and made my way to the entrance of the restaurant. As I got out, I took out my phone and dialed Axel's number. I needed him here in New York. Things were about to get serious.

| | |

With determination, I marched into Hamilton Inc, ignoring the murmurs all around me and the way the staffs looked at me, including the lady at the receptionist desk calling out to me. I marched straight to the hallway I recognized from the other day and started looking at the golden plaques on the wall, searching for Henry's office.

"Sir, you can't be here."

"Fuck off," I said to the woman behind me then turned into another hallway.

My eyes narrowed at the door at the end of the hallway. I increased my steps toward the door and looked at the plaque glued to the wall. On it was his name and the CEO title under it. I looked away and grabbed the door handle then twisted it and pushed the door open. The door made no noise as I opened it but the voice of the receptionist caused Henry, who was sitting behind a large desk in the large office, to look up.

"Sir, he just barged in here and--"

"Leave, Rachel," Henry said.

From my periphery, Rachel eyed me in annoyance before leaving the office. As soon as the door clicked shut, I took in the place with a heavy heart. The office was huge, twice the size of my living room with floor length windows, tall bookshelves, couches in the middle of the room and plants in different corners. Behind the man I hated was a big portrait of him on the wall between two bookshelves. The aura in the office was so heavy and intimidating. Somewhere at the back of my mind, I wished this was my father's office. It was rightfully his.

"Once a criminal, always a criminal. Barging in here in such an uncouth manner. Did you learn that from the streets? Of course, you did," he said, and I clenched my hands. "What brings you to my office?"

The possessive way he spoke about the office sent a pang of anger through my heart. He was rubbing it in my face, and I wanted to punch the smug look off his stupid face.

"I want answers, Henry," I said and walked past the couches in the center of the office to his desk. I pressed my palms on it and leaned over the desk. "It's surprising how you hate me, the child of your own brother but easily let a stranger take control. Someone who is also the son of that same brother. Have you lost your touch, uncle."

"Silence!" He was shaking. "If you have nothing better to say, leave this place or have you come here to hand over the shares you bought without my permission? Nothing in this company belongs to you and taking those shares without my permission will put you in so much trouble with me."

"Permission?" I stood straight. "I don't need permission from the likes of you, Henry and I won't be needing any of it from now on."

I rounded the desk and watched him in humor as he stepped back a bit, fear and worry in his eyes. I stopped before him and looked him directly into his eyes.

"For years, you have tormented me, made me suffer all because of the feelings mother and my father had for each other. I know of your evil, Henry. You know, I never wanted to deal with the business of this family business, but your greed has forced my hand. So, listen carefully. Count your days, uncle. Count the days you have left because this seat does not belong to you but me and father. I will not let him rest in peace until I take back what rightfully belongs to him and I. Choose your battles wisely."

The wobble of his Adam apple and the wavering of his eyes made me smirk. If I had to play dirty, I would, especially when someone threatened by family.

| | |

After leaving the office, I went back to my hotel and as I made a move to enter the lobby through the front doors, someone in a hooded jacket bumped into me. I steadied the person, and they murmured something I could not catch. I eyed them as they walked off. Their steps did not match the one of the man who visited me in prison. I shrugged and walked into the lobby. I put my hands in the pockets of my sweatshirt and felt paper in it. I blinked and took the paper out then brought it to my eye level.

My eyes widened at the content of the paper.

Keep on fighting. You will win in the end of it all.

Sincerely, your protector.

I immediately ran back to the entrance of the hotel and out through the door. I ran in the direction the person had gone in and saw no one like them. My heart was beating fast and my mind full of confusion.

Who had that been?

A/N: Tension coming in the next chapter.

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