''You're right. I don't know anything about your mum.'' Effy gave in but she seemed like she wanted to say something else. 

''I'm sorry, okay?'' Pandora said. 

''Yeah.'' Effy nodded then turned to me. ''What about you then? Why are you here anyways? Were you next in line for Cook?''

''Don't be fucking dense.'' I said. ''I left my shit here.'' I shrugged to Panda and she sort of nodded at the front door telling me I can go and get my stuff. Weird when she doesn't talk so much. Not like her at all really. 

Before I was about to head inside though, I heard Effy mutter 'oh jesus' and couldn't help but turn to see Thomas running towards them. 

''Careful what you wish for Pandora.'' Effy nodded at her sighing. 

I heard Thomas calling for Pandora and that apparently his mother had let him come back but Pandora and Effy were both in tears now so he decided to hug his guilty looking girlfriend to comfort her. 

I went inside as quickly as I could to grab the stuff I left as I didn't want to run into Pandora's mum or just stay around much longer at all with everything that was happening but when I came back outside I was met with just Effy, standing outside the house. 

Almost seemed like she was waiting for me. 

''You like Cook then?'' She asked me suddenly which made me freeze as I wasn't expecting that. 

''You're taking the piss.'' I half laughed. 

''Oh come on.'' Effy said acting as if she knew everything about me. 

''You like Freddie then?'' I asked and she stopped. I could see it plastered on her face. 

''He's alright.'' She tried to shrug it off. 

I don't trust her. She's trouble. 

''Please I'm asking you nicely to stay the fuck away from my brother if you know all you're gonna do is hurt him.'' I said and a silence followed. 

''Is that it?'' She asked. 

''That's all.'' I agreed before walking off. 

Maybe I shouldn't have gotten involved. Maybe it wasn't my place to say anything. But Freddie's been too fragile since what happened with our mum and even though he can be an utter prick sometimes I do care for him and know he's just gonna end up hurting himself in the long run with girls like Effy. 

The next day I was out with Cook and JJ since Freddie had to deal with something at home with Karen. I feel bad for him honestly she can be such a bitch especially recently using our mum's suicide to get pity votes for her stupid stripper dance show. 

We were coming back now to meet Freddie in the shed since he was probably there to escape his sister and dad. 

And we were right, he was there. And so was Effy but Cook didn't seem to be aware of her presence right away. 

That bitch had some nerve though, I'll tell you. 

Of course she has a sudden interest in Freddie now that she's found out about Cook and Pandora. 

Cook then started to punch a punching bag in the corner of the shed as he started explaining the story to Freddie about some 'skinny asian fucker' called 'Anwar the magnificent' and the 'buddha buddha cheese routine.' I already knew the story though and wasn't really listening, just staring at Effy. 

''Cook.'' JJ was trying to tell him about Effy but Cook continued his story. 

''Cook!'' JJ repeated a bit louder this time to turn around and see Effy sitting on an armchair next to Freddie's. 

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