chapter 33: the devil's office

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There he was standing in front of the devil's haunt where he grew up and partially became one. Uncanny isn't it? How did he survive? How come he didn't give up after drowning in this misery?

He stepped inside the lavish architecture which held souls of many still trapped. He heard them screaming inside the walls from pain and anguish including his mother's and never once had a proper slumber. Was all the supernatural in his head? He never got the answer.

A smile emerged from his father after seeing the little devil that he made himself. Little did he know it was never there in the first place. Chimera….. was all it was… living inside his delusional narcissistic mind.

"My son can't be more delighted." He welcomed him with his open arms.

"Seo, let's prepare for marriage. I don't want to waste time." He added.

Changbin nodded with cold eyes. He made his way with his father to the office.

Just when they were bending down on the black velvet couch. A knock immersed the door. 

"Come in." The devil commanded.

"Sir, the local mob's boss is here." The informer said.

"Looks like I'll have to leave. I'll have to shift our wedding planning for tomorrow, son." His father spoke up.

"Don't worry then I'll just have a drink and go." He said with obedience.

He smirked as he left the room. He was successful after all in raising his own son like a pet. He never considered him a human, he was more of his pawn. He would have rid of him too if he was of no use. The man only treasured his pride associated with his mob.

As soon as the devil left the room fell silent. He had worked like a donkey for this man winning his trust to leave him alone in his office of confidential information everywhere.

"YJ00! Have you hacked them all? And disabled audios and cams in this mansion?" Changbin spoke loudly enough for Jeongin to hear him through the air pod.

"Positive." Jeongin responded

"Keep a watch on the corridor and quickly inform when someone is coming this way." Changbin instructed.

Changbin began searching for the paper works and documents of his father's secret illegal trading weapon business and his narcotics web chain. He found something after a lot of struggle of going through piles of files and documents. The document about his illegal weapons trafficking, his agreement with the local mafia to back them, the drug trafficking it was all in his secret shelf that he once saw his father opening when he was a child while he sneaked in and hid behind the curtains. It was all his act of curiosity as a child that is helping him in his adulthood.

He always wanted to unravel this devil's secret who was unfortunately his own father in front of the world to see. He always wanted to punish his father for every evil deed he ever committed including tormenting his own son, his own blood and his only child. His father never took mercy on him or the mother of his own son. He snatched the boy's mother right in front of him.

"Bin, someone is on the way to the room!" Jeongin warned him about the threat almost instantly.

"I have it under control." Changbin responded back.

Changbin quickly kept the papers in an envelope and hid them inside his heavy jacket. He reached over to his father's favorite pen on the table and opened it up to put a mini voice tapping device and carefully closed it. With that he went back to the sofa he was sitting on and took the drink in his hand. The door opened up. His father's consigliere enters to take the pen from the desk. Changbin passed a nod to him as a greeting, the consigliere returned it back and made his way out of the office.

Changbin took a huge sigh of relief. He still couldn't comprehend the fact that there were people still kind to help him and genuinely cared for him and loved him the way he was.


More to the story on the way💁

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