chapter 5: the uncomfortable silence

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Hyunjin observed his apartment.
"So what brings you here?" Felix answered.
"Nothing, just checking in," he answered.
"Okay.." Felix replies
" You should put a cozy couch in front of the tv. He loves to make out while watching movies." Hyunjin advised casually.
Felix choked on the coffee he was drinking.
"Ohh and put a lot of cushions and pillows on the bed as he likes to cuddle while sleeping." He added.

"Hyunjin, don't you think it's a bit too early to think about that , I haven't even met him." Felix replies.
" I know I am looking out for you. Anyways, what are you wearing today?" Hyunjin asked
"It's kept on the bed in my room so you can take a look." Felix said
Hyunjin made his way towards Felix's room.

"Are you really gonna wear a loose cardigan!! And this bed is small!!" Hyunjin screamed.
"Hey calm down, you are thinking too fast and ahead. What do you want me to wear?" Felix answered
Felix entered the room to find Hyunjin already checking his closet.
"Wear this!" Hyunjin commanded, throwing a red hoodie, leather jacket and pants.

"He loves red color and good first impressions." Hyunjin advised.
"Okayy.." he nodded
"Now get ready dressed. You will directly go to the cafe from the base." Hyunjin said and left the room.
Felix changed into his clothes and went outside to see Hyunjin waiting for him at the front gate.
"Are you still not over him?" Felix asked him while leaving and locking the door.
"What do you think?" Hyunjin asked.
They were making their way towards the vehicle.

"Well judging by your concern, I don't think so." Felix answered
"Whatever, I will be envious of you getting to kiss those addictive lips. They are like alcohol, they make you forget everything and you don't even remember how one thing led to another." Hyunjin says with a tint of dejection.
They sit in the car and Hyunjin drives off.
The ride was filled with awkward silence. Felix stepped out as soon as Hyunjin parked the car.

"Good morning Felix!" Chan greets Felix as he enters the basement.
"Hello everyone, good morning!" Felix greeted.
"It's Hyunjin isn't it?" Seungmin asks.
"Umm.. " Felix tries to answer.
"I know Felix, he has been like that for the past days... he is trying to move on but .."
"It's okay I understand" Felix responded

Everyone was now busy with their work. Felix decided to open the file again and study Changbin more descriptively. Felix looked at Changbin's pictures. He was indeed charming and adorable. His pump rose pink lips were indeed tempting. He wanted to devour them. Then, Felix snapped out of the thoughts.
"Felix, concentrate. Don't lose focus." Felix thought to himself.

It was now 1:23 pm.
"Felixxxxxxxxx, come 'ere bro!!" Chan shouted. Felix ran
"We have to leave. It's time." Minho added.
Felix, jisung, Hyunjin and Chan left in the car towards the cafe.


Hello everyone, nice to meet y'all.
I am so grateful for your appreciation and praise. It keeps me motivated to write more and come up with more content.
I know sometimes it's hard to find yourself and you feel lost but remember to just keep swimming it will lead you somewhere in the end which might be your destiny.
So don't give up!!
Love you all 😚❤️
Have a great day ☺️


Forbidden LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora