chapter 34 : love still blossoming?

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It was Christmas Eve. The cold winter breeze surrounded as everyone gathered around. All 8 of them are finally getting together. Changbin started to accept himself and love himself the way he was. His self esteem crumbled through the years of trauma he endured. Chan and San helped him in every way possible. With countless therapy and occasionally some medicine. The treatment was going well. Felix and Hyunjin took him off and helped in every way possible.

Having some time to introspect himself and taking a break really was working out for him. First time in his life Changbin put himself and his needs first. It has been 6 months of rigorous therapy now.

The mission had been moving smoothly due to Changbin's cooperation. Changbin was a great source of information from them.

Although it was a serious mission the fun shouldn't die, right? It was almost the new year anyway. With the new year comes new affirmations.

Han stood up on the table and opened the bottle of champagne. Everyone was going wild with weird dances and drunk singing. They were having the best time of their life except for Felix. Who is trying to give up alcohol for his new resolution.

Everyone was wasted in no time except for him. Felix took the responsibility on himself to send back everyone home. One by one he put them in taxies. Except for Changbin. He decided to give Wooyoung a call for the better.

"Hey Wooyoung, I have Changbin with me. I will drop him off. You don't have to worry." Felix spoke as Wooyoung picked up the call.

"Umm Felix, I am at Jeju with San. I'll be back by tomorrow afternoon. Changbin probably doesn't have the spare key; he lost it a few days ago." Wooyoung answered.

"What do you mean? Where was Changbin staying while you were at Jeju?" Felix questioned.

"He was at his dad's mansion pretending to be Seo. But you can't take him there now that he is wasted anything can happen to you and him. It's too dangerous. Is it possible if he can stay at your place tonight? It won't trouble you right?" Wooyoung said while being worried.

"Yes, sure it's not a problem at all!" Felix answered.

"Thanks Felix! Have a great Christmas and a happy new year!" Wooyoung said and hung up.

With that Felix gently carried Changbin on his back and seated him, putting the seat belt on him in the passenger seat of his car next to him. As he drove the way home the silence in the vehicle was interrupted by a little sweet snore leaving Felix in awe just wanting to squeeze and hug his baby boy.

"God you are so adorable!" Felix commented, slightly striking Changbin's hair in admiration.

Felix couldn't help but giggle and felt butterflies in his stomach when he stared at the boy's ethereal features wanting to worship the boy as he was just a surreal angel in his eyes.

Felix changed Changbin into some of his clothes and got ready for bed himself. He gently carried the boy like a baby as Changbin arms and legs around him with his head leading on Felix's shoulder. Changbin is half asleep at this point. He gently tucked him into the bed and was leaving until a hand grabbed his wrist.

Changbin pulled him into bed and got Felix sitting on his crotch. It was an awkward situation indeed as they were kind of exes now.

"It's time to sleep. I'll take the couch so you don't have to worry. " Felix said and began to get up. Yet Changbin pinned him down again.

"Sleep with me or I'll make you." Changbin said, leaning on his lips and directly looking into his eyes.

"I'm not scared so bring it on." Felix said, trying to get up again.

Suddenly the pair of addictive lips he had been starving for attached to his lips.


Ahhh i just wanted a little fluff before this 😉. It's really hard to finish one project when you already have ideas for new yet I will take up to accomplish this mission.


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