chapter 20 : Deception?

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"Ok Changbin you have been through a lot. I know it's hard but now you have to focus on what's in the present. You have me, Woo and possibly Felix. We love you. You don't need your father's validation, it's not love. He never loved anyone. There are people that unconditionally love you. I want you to communicate with Seo and tell him this. You both are the same people. You may be different but that doesn't mean you don't belong with each other. And if Seo doesn't understand, I want you to dominate him, Binnie. He is not someone you are gonna comply with for the rest of your life." San explained Changbin.

"San, I am so sorry for whatever Seo did with Wooyoung. I think he likes Woo. Woo should stay away from him." Binnie explained.

"Binnie, it's alright. The only thing common between you and Seo is Wooyoung. You know that Woo and you are platonic friends. But, Seo mistook it as love. Maybe it's because he wants to seek his dad's validation as well as seek love. He knows Woo cares about him that's why he wants him. And I understand, whatever it takes to bring you back we'll do it." San assured Binnie.

"San it's time for me to leave. I'll see you soon and I'm grateful for you two in my life. It would have been worse, if it wasn't for you two." Binnie thanked him and made his way out.

"Anything for you Binnie." San replied

Once Changbin reached the cafe. He started setting up. Many regulars asked him about his absence out of concern. All he could tell them was he was unwell. Seo was indeed a sickness for him that was stubborn and always came back to ruin his life.

It was 4 pm. Changbin wearing an apron and making coffee. Yes, he was also a part-time barista in his own cafe.
Changbin suddenly heard familiar footsteps coming and the cafe door opened and they made their way towards him. Changbin was looking at the coffee machine already making coffee.

"May I have an iced Americano with extra ice?" He heard a familiar voice. It was deep and sweet at the same time.

He looked up and saw Felix. Felix was shook as if wasn't expecting him to be there.

"Binnie, are you alright? The cafe has been closed lately. You weren't picking my calls! Did I do something wrong? I'm so sorry Bin. I probably took it too far that night." Felix said, apologizing.

"Felix, take a seat. I'll bring the coffee and we'll have a talk." Changbin calmly said.

Felix did as he was told and waited for Binnie. He bought both of their coffees and sat down.

"Felix, it's not your fault. I wasn't well lately and didn't want you to catch it too. Wooyoung also got sick because of me. I also have one thing to confess. I actually own this place and since I wasn't well. I couldn't open this place." Changbin told Felix everything except for Seo.

Felix pretended to be shocked and unknown to this fact. He took Binnie's hand and stared in his eyes with a loving gaze and didn't want to linger away.

"Baby, it's alright. I get it that it was probably hard for you to open up to me. I am glad you did. I know you've been through a lot and sometimes it's hard to trust the people around you. We can always start with little things." Felix said gently, grabbing Changbin's hand and reassuring him.

"Thanks, Lixie for understanding me." Changbin smiled as he answered.

"Baby, what about we watch a movie tonight at my place? I'm sure It'll cheer you up and you probably need it." Felix suggested.

"Sure lixie. I'll be free by 8 today." Changbin said with a smile.

"You are welcomed any time bae." Felix responded.

"I'll be there by 9. I'll give you some time." Changbin replied.

"I should get going. My break is gonna be over soon. See you soon princess." Felix said and pecked Changbin on the cheek before leaving.

Changbin was extremely excited for the evening. He wanted to make things official with Felix and tell him that he was in love with him. He wanted to try more things with Felix and just hoped Felix would reciprocate the feelings.


Hi my lovelies 😀
Happy valentine's day ✨. Enjoy your day 😊😗.
Stay blessed 😘
Love you 💓


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