Chapter 13: Triple Dates

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The classroom fell into silence as Chabashira-sensei gave some huge news and she kept silent, keeping the suspenseful silence. Ayanokouji could tell that she's being a little cruel and using the silence to keep everyone on their toes and waiting in anticipation for further explanation. Ayanokouji could see students like Sudou and others shifting their seats in anticipation.

"I'm going to explain this right now. Please refrain from asking questions until I'm finished." replied Chabashira-sensei.

"There's a new type of special exam called mini special exams. These exams are going to be short, lasting from a few days to two weeks maximum. The rewards of these exams are smaller than regular exams and special exams. The rewards can be class points, private points, or some other rewards that the school deems worthy. The exams contents varies, but it's not all going to be academic ability. It can be physical abilities, communication and teamwork skills, socialization skills, and many more abilities and skills that the school deemed test-worthy. In addition, the exams may also include individual abilities or class abilities. In the near future, mini special exams might include different classes or years. You'll find more information on the paper I've just handed out." explained Chabashira-sensei.

"What? A type of exam?"

"Damn, we're already busy with studying for regular exams. Now we this too."

"Working with other class, eh?"

"Testing our different skills?"

"Chabashira-sensei, why is the school testing all sorts of abilities? Why not focus on academic ability?" asked Horikita.

"Horikita, let me ask you a question. Would you hire someone with high academic abilities?" asked Chabashira-sensei.

"Yes, it would." replied Horikita, immediately.

"Would you hire another person with almost the same level of academic abilities, but the person is more sociable and willing to work with others than the other person?" asked Chabashira-sensei.


Horikita seems to be thinking about it. But, she didn't give her answer out and remained silent.

"Why would the school test all these random abilities out?" asked Hirata, breaking the silence.

"Do employers just look at academic abilities and grades?" asked Chabashira-sensei. Some people in class nodded, notably Yukimura. Others looked puzzled by the question.

"The answer is no. Employers look for other things for a potential employee such as work experience, physical and social abilities, decision-making capabilities, and many more things. In society, academics is important, but there's all things that a potential employer wants. The school is trying to emulate it for everyone. You can think of the school as a company, teachers as a manager, and students as employees. Students are a part of the company and have to work together to succeed. Employees sometimes have to work with other employees from different departments. It your case, different classes and years." explained Chabashira-sensei.

"One more thing, mini special exams are only in its testing phase. So things are subjected to change as the school is testing out the new exam." added Chabashira-sensei. "That's it for now. There will news when the first mini special exam is finalized and ready for the first years."

With that, Chabashira-sensei left the classroom, signaling the end of homeroom. The classroom erupted into chatter and whispers as each student were thinking about the new changes that the school has implemented and what type of exams are going to be in store for them in the future.

**Timeskip (lunch time)**

Ayanokouji was thinking about what he should do for lunch, but he suddenly received a sudden invitation from Azuma.

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