36. A Nice Family

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Eyeing me from head to toe, she inquired out of curiosity. “Noel, who is she? Your girlfriend?"

With drawn-out breath, I looked at Noel, who also spared me a cursory glance. "No!" We chorused at the same time.

The smile on Chelsea's face vanished into thin air, only to be replaced with awe. "What?" She looked from her brother to me, then back to him. "What is wrong with you, Noel? The chick is hot and beautiful. Are you just snooping around with her, or do you want to eat your cake and have it, when—"

"Enough!" Noel thundered. His deep voice resonated across the four walls of their lounge and I could swear this was the first time I heard him in that tone.

However, I understood his reaction. Contrary to his claims that Chelsea was troublesome, I found her like a normal teenage girl. Fascinating and funny, yet so normal. Though I felt quite uncomfortable with the narrative she just tried to push out.

Seconds later, their parents rushed into the lounge and Mrs Isobel asked frantically. "What's going on? I heard a loud noise. Why were you yelling at your sister in her condition?" She questioned.

And that was when Chelsea burst into a series of fresh tears.

Okay, now she was being provocative and annoying. If I said she wasn't troublesome, it was because I hadn't gotten to this particular moment.

"Mommy, Noel hates me! I think he hates me! He said I deserved a broken leg and everything else that happened to me. Why do I have to get a brother like him?"

Mrs Isobel immediately engulfed her daughter in a deep, warm embrace then snapped her head toward Noel's direction. "You know her condition, at least treat her fairly for once."

I scoffed internally then looked at Noel, who didn't utter a damn word, but his expression said it all. He seemed to have grown weary of his family when he only just returned today. Nonetheless, from my perspective, I knew there would be a lot of drama surrounding them, but still, they made a nice family.

Something I once had, but lost at the early stage of my life.

Mrs. Isobel tore herself away from Chelsea after consoling her and then faced her husband. “Honey, I think I'll take another leave from work."

"What? No. You just got off from one." Mr Alan objected to it.

"Well, I have two people I need to take care of in this house. I have to tend to Chelsea's fractured leg, then Janie's bruises. I can't afford to—"

"Isobel," Alan called softly as he moved further then took her hand in his. “I know you love your job and you cannot wait to resume back on Monday. Also, You are the head nurse in your hospital. Those interns will need you. Don't worry, since Jenna is on her leave, she will handle both of them."

Isobel let out an exasperated sigh. "I don't know, Alan. Do you—"

"Take a deep breath," Alan cooed and she simply obeyed. “Now let it out."

She did so, obediently.

"I don't want you to worry too much over this. First of all, focus on your work, because I know if you are around, you will only worry yourself to death. Try to get some fresh air after being in the house for so long. I hired Jenna to be their nurse for a month. Also, let's not forget the fact that Noel is still around, he can look after the house." He explained to her.

"You're right." Isobel nodded in understanding. “I'll leave everything to Jenna then."

Alan placed a kiss on his wife's forehead and muttered. "You deserve the world, you know that right?"

Isobel smiled at his kind remark, while my heart melted.

The both of them seemed quite the couple. A pang of jealousy overwhelmed me as memories surged to the forefront of my brain. My parents were once like this, until my mother's death.

To me, I'd say my mother's death was the start of every catastrophe. She was the pillar that bound our family together. And deep down, I prayed Noel's family never loses that pillar. Because it hurts so much.

"She is Janie right?" Chelsea gestured at me and Mrs Isobel answered with a nod.


"So why does she have bruises and who the hell is she anyway?"

"How many times have I warned you to stop swearing, Chelsea?" Mr Alan fumed.

Instantly, a glint of fear flickered across Chelsea's orbs and she lowered her head. "I'm sorry."

The atmosphere became awkwardly quiet, until Mrs Isobel cleared her throat, breaking through the silence. “Well, Janie is our guest. She went through some unfortunate ordeals, and I reckon you will be nice to her, okay?"

Chelsea's eyes met mine and she replied. "Okay."

A warm feeling coated my guts as I stared at each of them in profound delight. I almost forgot what it felt like to have a family, but I'm thankful they reminded me of it.

"Alright, it's time for dinner." Mrs Isobel jammed her hands together. Meanwhile, I proceeded to help Noel carry Chelsea to the dining table.

We were all seated at the dining table like a nice family. Though I reminded myself a couple of times that I wasn't part of them, my subconscious kept urging me to enjoy the moments.

Mrs. Isobel served us a plate of deliciously made pasta.

Noel then faced Chelsea. “Tell them the whole story about your fractured leg, or I'll do it myself."

Chelsea drew a loud gasp. “Snitch!" She issued him a scornful look before going ahead to explain everything to her parents, who were already waiting inquisitively.

"I can't believe this." Mrs Isobel fumed.

"Me neither!" Alan bellowed. "How can you keep such a thing from us?"

"Because I don't want you to cause a scene or sue them. Nadia's parents own a share in the school and they are part of the management board, they'd win with just the snap of their fingers. And I won't like to see you go through all that stress just to lose in their faces." Chelsea enunciated. Plus, I thought she had a point.

"But it doesn't hurt to try. Nadia or whatever her name is, tried to ruin you. How can I sit back and do nothing when I know of that?" Her Mother pushed forward.

Chelsea reached for her mother's hand. "You won't be doing nothing, Mom. You and Dad will help me transfer schools. Input all the money you intend to use for a lawsuit to that instead."

Her father, Mr Alan sighed. "She is right, Honey. Let's help her change school then we can write a petition against that bum of a school later on."

His wife agreed.

Thereafter, we ate in silence.

When I was done, I carried my plate and thanked them for dinner. Then I proceeded to wash and retire to my room since they were so engrossed in another family discussion. And I was already feeling like an intruder.

Mrs Isobel offered to tend to my injuries tomorrow morning. But I bluntly refused, saying they were just minor injuries and I could tend to them myself.

After I retired to my room, I took a quick bath and then began to nurse the bruises on my knees.

Minutes later, a soft knock pounded on the door and I ushered the person in. Noel walked into my room, carrying all the stuff we purchased earlier. Dropping them on the bed, he turned to look at me.

"Do you need help with that?"

"No, I'm fine." I declined politely.

"Alright then. Goodnight." He said walking out of the door.

"Goodnight," I said after his retreating figure.

My eyes drifted from my wounds to the bags on the bed and I smiled to myself. How I wish I could be part of this wonderful family forever.

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