33. A Threat To Behold

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As we ate, Alan's wife didn't stop stealing glances at me.

I knew there were a lot of questions scratching the back of her throat, aching to spill out.

Sooner or later, she would be forced to...

“Where are your parents, Janie?" 

There it was. The major question she intended to ask all along.

Predicting her right like some sort of coupon game, I smiled inwardly to myself and then bit on my lower lip.

There was no way I'd tell them about what my father did to me. That was personal and it had to remain that way until I was ready to leave. At this point, I needed fewer pity parties in my life.

The past should forever be buried in the past!

“They are both dead," I announced and their expression laced with sympathy and regret.

I didn't like the look they were giving me, but I maintained my poise. If I wanted to stay at their house, perhaps, their pity would help in letting me stay a little while longer.

“Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry." Alan chimed.

“This is so heartbreaking." His wife followed.

“How did they die?" Noel threw in and his parents cautioned him immediately.

“Noel. Be reasonable! You can't make her recollect a painful past."

I pretended to sniffle back sobs. “No, it's fine. My mother died of cancer and my father by a hit-and-run driver. Since then, I have been struggling with my life alone. I managed to graduate high school and got admitted into college. That's all I can remember."

“Really?" Alan's wife arched a brow in shock. “How come? Are you in college now?"

Pressing my lips together into a grim line, I shook my head. “No."

“Does this man chasing you have anything to do with it?" She persisted.


“If you don't mind, Janie. Can you tell us what led to the situation of your kidnap?"

I took in a deep breath.

Again, memories of what was meant to be the happiest day of my life, but turned sour in a matter of time, surged to the forefront of my brain. I was elated all through the road trip to Luciano's mansion, hoping my life was going to change for the better until my hopes got dashed.

A lone tear slipped down my cheeks as I shoved down those memories.

Since I'm out of there, surviving should be my next priority not sulking on my dreadful past.

After clearing my throat, I eventually brought myself to answer Alan's wife's question.  “Mrs?"

“Isobel." She added at once.

“All I can remember is that— I decided to go hiking after receiving my admission letter, at least to celebrate and be happy. But then, I slipped, hit my head and fell. When I woke up, I found myself in the gang's house, and by the time I realized it, months had passed. So everything still seems like a blur." I lied while hoping they'd buy my story deep down.

Mrs. Isobel studied me for a brief couple of seconds before adding. “You've been through a lot. However, I'm still surprised you stayed months there when I thought they were just chasing you down for today before my husband found you."

My breath hitched.

Perhaps, I shouldn't have mentioned the duration. Only the lies without a sprinkle of truth.

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