28. Escaping The Lion's Den

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Clutching the bag tighter to my chest, I made sure to run like my life depended on it because it does.

In no time, Luciano would have caught onto my escape and soon, his men would be combing through the woods for me. So no matter how sore my feet became, I did not stop for a little rest.

How dare he?

Listening to how Luciano spewed those distasteful, appalling words to my face wreaked havoc on my soul. He stirred back up a lot of memories I have tried to suppress.

So much that created a world of agony deep inside me and then left me in dismal.

How my Father deceived me by selling me off to him? How worse my life would become from now and so much more miseries I tried so hard to evade.

Tears pooled in my eyes as my heart clenched in a fistful of anguish— And I didn't want to reflect on the moment. The stoic expression coupled with the hostility in his tone as he spoke.

As soon as he left with Romano, I had to come to a final resolution that it was high time I left his house for good. If he wouldn't let me go, then I had to escape myself.

Sniffling back tiny sobs, I waited until I was sure Luciano was far gone before getting out of bed. Without having a rethink, I grabbed my bag, and shoved a few of my clothes, my cell phone, and my laptop into it; at least if was going to leave Luciano, I had to gain something from him, which was why I took the gadgets he bought for me.

Having zipped the bag, I wiped off every single trail of tears on my face then slung the bag over my shoulders before tiptoeing to the door. Opening it, I found the hallway thoroughly empty, so I took that as my cue to escape.

Since Luciano's henchmen would be busy searching for Luigi, I figured he would also be occupied, dealing with whoever helped him out of that cell. Thus, this was the best time to walk out without grasping anyone's attention.

Although I was still frightened that things might go awry on the contrary. However, I tried to muster up the courage to do this. Trudging down the stairs, I peeped out of the window, only to find his men gathered outside, in the front yard.

Their attention was diverted from me, therefore they wouldn't notice until I was far gone. Knowing I couldn't take the front door, I spun around towards the back, and just as I was about you press on the knob, my nurse's voice split through the silent atmosphere.

"Are you going somewhere, Janie?"

My heart skipped a beat.

Bile rushed up to my throat all at once and I quickly rummaged through my brain, searching for a plausible response to give.

Slowly, I turned around to face her with a small smile on my face. "Hi, Nurse—"

"—Stacy." She completed, returning the smile. "I am sorry for not telling you my name sooner."

"No, it's fine. I just regained consciousness an hour ago, we couldn't have done much introduction." I let out a dry chortle, trying not to be obvious with my moves.

Nurse Stacy giggled. "Yeah, you are right."

"By the way, I haven't gotten to thank you for taking very good care of me. I know Luciano must have taken some measures to get you here, but still, I want to thank you."

"No, Janie........ This is just me doing my job." Nurse Stacy replied, waving one of her hands in dismissal. "I love treating people, Janie. Since you needed my attention, I couldn't say no. Plus it wasn't like I had a choice." She laughed wryly.

I laughed too. "That's true... Luciano surely knows how to impose his will on people."

In truth, I knew I had to get the hell out of here, but if I made her suspect a thing and she went on yapping about my plan to Luciano, all my efforts would be futile. More reason why I continuously engaged her in small talk.

Hoping she would end the conversation and then walk away, I continued to feign a smile at her.

But just as I was about to finally press down on the knob, she asked again;

"So what's with the bag, Janie?"

My breath hitched.

Swallowing hard, I pretended to scratch my forehead while searching for an answer. Eventually, an ingenious thought crossed my mind and my smile deepened.

"Oh, this bag?" I smiled nervously. "Luciano asked me to bring it for him at the annex of the mansion. Turns out some of his torture tools are in it and we wouldn't like to keep him waiting, would we?"

"Crap no!" She gasped in shock. "Why didn't you tell me sooner? Do you need my help carrying it?"

"No no no..." I quickly turned down her offer. ".... Luciano wants me to bring it myself, also, I agreed because I wanted to exercise my muscles. You know...... because of my aching bones, passing out, and all that."

"I get it." She responded calmly. "You can go and give him the bag while I get your medications ready."

I flashed another warm grin at her. "Thank you so much, Stacy."

"You are welcome, Janie." With that, she turned towards the kitchen and I breathed out in relief.

Without wasting another second, I opened the door, strutted out then locked it after me.

As soon as I got out of the mansion, I dashed into the woods, willing to follow wherever route it led until I was finally out of this hell hole.

I could feel my blood pulsating through my veins, out of anxiety. Still, I didn't stop.

Once Luciano wrapped up his business with Luigi and his other culprit, I was certain he would come looking for me.

So at least, before he does, I should be out of his territory; and out of his life for good.

Perhaps, my life would start reaching for its purpose.

"You can do this, Janie," I reassured myself over and over again as I jumped over a huge log of wood and then kept on running deep into the woods.

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