21. Find Her!

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Guilt slammed me in the gut as soon as my eyes flung open. Reminiscing the way I spoke to Janie yesterday, my stomach tightened into a knot. She doesn't deserve that.

Raising my voice at a lady was not part of my ethics since my mother groomed me into being a well-cultured lad.

So I rubbed my eyelids and proceeded to shuffle out of the bed.

Once again, those darn birds made it a routine to chirp their morning songs behind my window.

Fuming, I jolted to my feet, shoved the window blind up, and watched in silence.

If I wasn't an animal lover, putting a bullet through each one of their stupid fluffy body should be icing on the cake.

“Figlio di puttana!" I cursed under my breath before strutting out of my room, straight to Janie's room.

On getting there, I was about to press down the knob but I refrained from doing so. Instead, I knocked twice and waited patiently for her to respond to me.

Yet, there was no response.

“Janie,” I called softly before knocking again.

Still, no response.

With that, I pressed down on the knob and yank the door open. Alas, the room was empty. I strode to her bathroom to check and there was still no sign of her.

Maybe she is in the kitchen, I thought to myself.

On that note, I strolled to the kitchen. However, everything looked neat, tidy, and cold. It indicated no one has been there this morning.

It was then panic surged through my veins. Blood rushed to my head all at once, as I stormed all the places in the mansion in search of Janie, still, I couldn't find her.

My mind was becoming its own disaster. Rushing back to my room, I watched every single clip on the surveillance camera, only to find out that Janie left the house late, last night.

She fucking left!

My pupils dilated in shock as I observed the clip one more time. This was Italy, not America. She wouldn't be able to find her way around here.

Picking up my phone from the bedside table, I grabbed a shirt from my closet and stormed out of the room, heading straight to the lounge.

With my shirt in one hand, I used the other to dial Gerald's number and he picked it up immediately after one beep.

“Good morning, Boss."

“I don't think it would be a good morning for you and Glenn." I retorted between gritted teeth. “The both of you should come to the lounge this instant!” I commanded and hung up afterward.

Pacing back and forth in the lounge, I quickly shoved the shirt to cover my naked torso, and it was then Glenn and Gerald sprinted into the lounge, panting heavily.

“Get the keys to the SUV, we are leaving now," I said, strutting out of the mansion, while they followed right behind me.

“Where are we heading to, Boss?" Glenn inquired and I paused in my steps, then turned sideways to face him.

“If I answer that, thus it would be the last question you will ever get to ask in your entire life." I sneered, clenching my fist.

“My apologies, Boss.” Glenn bowed instantly and I hastened my pace towards the SUV.

My blood was boiling in seething rage. I didn't know what my men were doing last night that they didn't notice Janie's disappearance even till this moment.

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