10. The reasons why

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I bit down on my lower lip. Damn! Why would I offer to treat him? I could care less if he bled to death, that would make everything a whole lot easier for me.

Somehow, my thoughts don't correspond with what my mom had taught me. Part of her lessons was to be good no matter the circumstances, or how much the person was bad to you.

Luciano stared at me in shock, and he twitched his lips without uttering a word. He walked past me slowly and I followed right behind. I heard Romano clear his throat as we walked away. Perhaps, they might be as stunned as I was at the moment for offering to treat someone who caused me so much pain and ripped me of my dreams.

Maybe, this might turn out well, I thought to myself. Alas, I could treat him in exchange to be set free. There was no damn way I was going to render such a benevolent act without expecting anything in return.

I'd be damned.

Out of sympathy, I walked up to him and encircled my arm around his waist, then we ambled into his room.

Luciano kept on grunting at every step he took, if I wasn't of a good heart, I would have pressed down on his bleeding wound when no one was looking and caused him more pain, or perhaps, I could even kill him. And, I would say he died of too much blood loss.

But, I wasn't one to do such things.

By the time we got to his room, he pressed down on the knob with his bloodied hand. "Come in, Janie." came his deep voice in an inaudible gasp.

I trudged into his room with him by my side, then I let him down slowly on his bed. "Where is your first aid box?"

Luciano stared intently at me for a few seconds without uttering a word.

Biting down on my lower lip, I glared at him. "You do know I'm not here for a staring contest, I don't give a damn if-"

"-Why did you offer to help me?" He asked out of the blue.

Folding my arms neatly beneath my breast in akimbo, I let out a chortle. "Because I wasn't brought up to take life and hurt people." I blurted out loud, then I looked around. "Now, if you don't want the planet Earth to kiss your ass goodbye, where the hell is your goddamn first aid box?"

Luciano seemed taken aback by my statement, but I observed that - he quickly collected himself, and cleared his throat before pointing at his closet. "It's below the last drawer."

Without further ado, I walked over to his closet and searched for his first aid box, shortly after my eyes fell on the box right where he had described it. Picking it up, I hurriedly walked back to him.

Years back, my mom had patiently lectured me on a first aid course, because I have always wanted to be a nurse like her. I was grateful her teaching could come in handy, in a situation such as this. So first thing first, I knew I needed to apply pressure to stop the bleeding.

Placing the first aid box gently beside him, I hurried over to the bathroom and grabbed a towel. I wasted no time in pressing down the wound through the fabric of clothing and Luciano winced a little at the impact of the pressure.

It was obvious, he was trying to act all strong while I treated his wound. However, I felt it was okay to show if he was hurting. I opened the first aid kits and smiled in satisfaction. Behold, everything I needed, ranging from gauze pads, disposable non-latex gloves, and antiseptic wipes were in there. And I couldn't help but wonder if Luciano got himself injured a lot more than usual.

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