The First Kid

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The legend goes that the faculty had a higher leadership than them. This leader has the moniker God. It is said that God was the first and only ruler of Sector 1. It is said he still is leading sector one in the background. God had a child. This child was awarded citizenship in sector one and was declared the only one born a citizen. It is told that this kid would become God when God was no more. The Faculty and leaders from all sectors denied all of the rumors. The first kid is set to travel all sectors and learn before becoming God. Sector 1 has a shrine with a man statue indicating God and a little child indicating the first kid. Many songs, movies, and TV shows have been made about this story.

As years passed many had claimed to be God or the first kid but none had been credited with being them. Some believe that God is real and that he is the one behind everything and all decisions. Some believe that the first kid will bring a new era when becoming God.

The faculty made their children public to stop rumors about the first kid. Also, they revealed that each of their children was to become leaders of a sector in the future when they grow up. The specifics were hidden from the public to avoid displeasure.

After so many years God and the first kid had become a legend. The first kid is supposed to be all grown up. People see it as something similar to Jesus. God is supposed to be something exactly as its moniker. Something celestial. Not a human form.

It has become the religion of the people. Calling it the flock of the first kid. Was this celestial God supposed to be in full control of Enchanted Paradise and its progression? This God has sent the first kid to be among its citizens in the flesh to assure the advancement of the Enchanted Paradise.

All sectors have a church dedicated to this story.

They teach that the end was not only for the humans but for the Gods. All of them die less two of them. These two Gods are not male or female but both. They survived in the Enchanted Island also saving many living things. This two
Gods had a child and both were in differences in how to raise the child. A battle emerges. God escapes with the child creating an imaginary shield for the Enchanted Paradise making the other God unable to harm anyone inside.

The story calls this counterpart Devil. Believe to be the one that rules and maintains Enchanted Oblivion. It is believed that God and the Devil are responsible for maintaining the balance that saved the Enchanted Island and made it what it is now.

People who go outside of Oblivion are pronounced dead. As none had come back.

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