The Rejects Day Five

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Ok guys I was supposed to go with The Beginning Of Paradise Volume 1 but I think we have some things to clear. I am going to start but first I need to ask Kstar to go outside as this matter involves only the five of you.

Kstar with her head down stands up from her desk.

Dpa: I don't mind for her to be here. She is my friend.

A huge smile was brought to Kstar's face.

Teacher: Dloa your the leader is your call.

Dloa: You keep saying the leader thing. I don't speak for any of them. They have their voices. Regarding the matter, I am indifferent about it.

I don't care if she stays or if she leaves.

Kstar's head goes down again.

Dloa: What do you say Lloa? Koa?

Lloa and Koa shrugged indicating they were irrelevant about the matter.

Dloa: How about you Moa?

Moa nodded no.

Dpa: OK well she can stay.

Dloa: Wait Dpa me, Lloa, and Koa did not vote either yes or no. So our votes are invalid.

We have one in favor of use staying you and one against it.

That is a draw and a draw is not a yes Dpa.

Dpa: Not fair.

Kstar starts walking to the door.

Dloa: Hey where are you going?

Kstar: Who me?

Dloa: Yes, you who else!

Kstar: I am stepping out.

Dloa: Why you have not voted?

Dpa suddenly smiles.

Kstar: What?

Dloa: This is one-to-one you have not voted.

Kstar: I didn't know I could vote.

Dloa: Why not you are a member of the group. Of course, you get to vote.

Kstar: I am?

Dpa: Obviously.

Teacher: Dloa what are you doing?

Dloa: So Kstar what is your vote? Do you want to stay or to go?

Kstar: I don't want to be a burden.

Dloa: Answer the question and don't lie you know you're not allowed to.

The Teacher looks at Dloa.

Kstar: Ok well I want to stay.

Dloa: All done. Leader oh sorry. Teacher, I think you were going to start.

Ok class I heard you the other day. You said I didn't know you Koa. I imagine that's saying I don't know any of you 5.

Teacher: Sorry for excluding you Kstar.

Kstar: It's ok just happy to be here.

Teacher: You also said that for being a history teacher I do very little research.

Right, Dloa I think that was exactly what you said.


How do think that made me feel? Not good. But I thought about it and I also said some bad things. I am sorry for saying you are a bad example and I am sorry for anything that I could have said to hurt any of you.

I know we keep all personal information secret. That is part of school law to maintain equality among all students. So you don't have to say anything you don't want.

So like I said before I am going to start.

My name is Foa. I am from sector one. I recently graduated from Paradise University with a doctorate in Humanities. I am new to working in this school. I thought I was going to be a teacher at the college or the university I graduated. Jajajajja but no. I ended up here. I did not like it at first. On my first day, I was designated as the detention teacher just for being the new teacher. I mean I have a freaking doctor's degree in humanity. Anyway, I met you guys and everyone here talks about you.

Foa: Kstar sorry not about you.

Dloa: You are doing it again.

Foa: Just let me continue.

Dloa: By all means please continue leader.

Foa: You are supposedly the worst of the worst. Ironically for all of you, there is nothing bad about any of you in any of your files. I asked other teachers and all I got was the rejects always go to detention. Then I remembered the first day I asked why are these kids in detention. They told me that you did not take history seriously and that the word virus was a joke to you. You use it without respect. So I asked them again about the virus thing. They just joke about what they said. They are just kids with no parents trying to be a family they said. So I asked why the rejects always have detention and to my surprise nobody knew. I even did not think they were lying. For them, it was just how it was.

I am beginning to understand some things about you all with what I have found. I would like to share my findings with you all."

I am going to admit is not much but here it goes.

Dloa you are 17 years old a senior in this school. Meaning this is your last year of school. Next year you will be taking a test to create a value for you to be assigned to college or labor. You somehow someway manage to get to spend all the time you can with what you call the Virus Family. Dloa, Lloa, Koa, Moa, and Dpa.

Lloa & Koa you are blood brothers. Lloa is 16 and Koa is 13. Lloa you act like you don't care but you are very aware of everything that is happening around you. I can say very confidently that even if you are not the leader you are first in command of defending everyone in your group. Koa you look up to your brothers. You take all the good and the bad of them. You are a better version of them.

Moa you are 12 years old. You acted like you didn't care but in reality, you are scared of Lloa looking at another woman. You are the older of the girls and even if you looked harmless on the outside I don't think anyone wants to see the other side of you. You can defend yourself and Dpa.

Dpa you are 10 years old.

That's it.

So what y......

Dpa: Wait that's it?

Foa: Yes Dpa that's all I know about you. Well, I also noticed that you are in love with Dloa but you also know he loves you as a sister.

Dpa turns red. Dloa lowers his head putting his hand on his forehead.

Dloa: Child

Foa: Anyway so what you have in common. That is what I asked myself.

You have no parents. You all are together somehow.

So you all are from sector 11. You live in a military facility. You five are part of the militia babies.

Dpa: What are the militia babies?

Dloa: This is just what people from outside Sector 11 called the homeless children who grew up in the militia facility or Sector 11.

Dpa: Oh

Kstar: Cool

Dpa: Cool

Ok is late so this weekend I want you to think about what I said and on Monday if any of you wish to share your story or debate anything I say please do. Otherwise Beginning Of Paradise Volume 1 it is.

Dpa: Bye Kstar going to miss you. See you on Monday.

Kstar: Bye guys.

They all left to their homes.

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