Part 18 leo

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Leo was shaking. Jason had just carrried him inside and he couldn't stop crying. He kept thinking about what the other campers had said. Like, he really couldn't stop. The voices rang in his head. 


Why are they allowed to stay?

Chiron should kick them out.

The words echoed in his mind. Jason was silent next to him. He seemed lost in thought, but Leo didn't know how to get his attention. Or if he should. He kept thinking about what the other campers had said, and started to believe them. 

Maybe I shouldn't be here. I could always leave at night, when everyone's asleep. He thought, before he remembered. But then I couldn't see Jason. 


Jason grace, who warmed Leo's heart and made him smile. 

Jason grace, who was Leo's Gracie. 

Jason grace, who made leo feel safe with just his presence.

Jason grace, who was Leo's home. 

Jason grace, who was leo Valdez's everything.

He turned to face the blonde. 

"Hey jason?" He asked, his cracking voice finally snapping jason from his trance.

"What?" The son of Zeus was teary eyed and looked like he needed a hug.

" are you okay?"

"Yeah.. just.... Thinking about an old friend."

Leo wrapped his arms around his friends waist and hugged him. He could feel Jason's heart rate speeding up. He didn't know why (honey,he gay), but he  didn't care. He needed the comfort of his best friend. Suddenly, Jason pulled away, still holding leo. 

"Thanks Leo. I-I.. I needed that.

Leo smiled. "Of course dude! Anytime. That's what friends are for!" He forced the word friend out of his mouth as if it was covered in acid. Jason was so much more, but its not like he could just tell him that.

Jason's hands slipped away from around Leo as he said the word friend. His face lit up red. "Y-yeah! You're m-my best friend. Thanks." He got up quickly and walked over to their pillow fort. "Are we still on for tonight?"

Leo jumped up. "Oh my gods i totally forgot about that. Yeah!" 

They got into the fort and Leo lit a candle.

The blonde seemed confused. "Two questions."

"Lay 'em on me."

"One. Where did you get that?"


"'Kay. Two, won't that like, burn down our fort?"

"Nah. I can sorta like, just will it to not burn everything down, i think."

"You think?!"

"Well i guess we'll find out if it works tonight. Let's hope we don't burn down camp"


"Don't you dare start with that Gracie!"


"Okay, Mr Grumpy McGrumperson. What do you wanna do?"

Jason was silent for a moment before quietly asking "I know we said we could watch movies, but do you think we could just.. I dunno, talk?"

Leo loved this suggestion. Hearing Jason's voice for a few more hours? Finding out more about the guy that Jason liked? Count him in. He tried not to sound too enthusiastic. "Sounds great. What do you wanna talk about?" He leaned over onto Jason. The Roman pulled him close. Leo blushed from ear to ear, but hoped that his friend wouldn't notice in the dim light.



He smells good. Like.. happiness. Flowers. Cookies. My hair? Why does me smell like me?

You two have been hugging a lot. 

We have. Leo smiled softly.

Figure out who he likes!



Let's do this.

"Nothing specific." The son of Jupiter answered, snapping the mechanic back to reality. " just, like, ask me a question or something. Then I'll ask you one." 

The two boys spent hours asking each other stupid, meaningless questions, both of them avoiding the big one spinning in their heads. 'Who do you like?' . 

Best friends..? //valgrace// (And solangelo too ig)Where stories live. Discover now