Part 5 Jason

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the rest of the day flew by. Once they had finished their food, Jason and his friend headed over to cabin one to hang out, before going to bunker 9 so that leo could teach him how to make a miniature metal spider. "No, not like that." The son of Hephaestus  had said softly, guiding jasons hands with his own. Leo interlaced his fingers with jasons, and jason swore the brunette blushed along with him. Afterwards, they had gone to see Percy and Annabeth, before all 4 of them went to dinner together ( dw this time they didn't race they just walked over).

And now Jason was laying in his bed, one name coming to him over and over. 


No! Think about piper. Her pretty brown eyes, her  long, silky hair. Her  bravery. Her kindness. She's your girlfriend! Shes awesome!!

Yes. She is. But so is L—

Don't think like that! You're straight!

But le-

Dont! Go to slee—

Jason's thoughts were interrupted as he heard a knock on the door. "Come i-" the blonde could barely invite whoever was there inside before he heard a soft thump  on the floor where Nico di Angelo was now standing.

 "Shadow travel", Nico explained, as if he couldn't just use the door where he had knocked.

 "Why didn't you use the door?" Jason wondered. 

"Okay smart guy. Would the door be as cool as shadow travel?"

"Well, no."


The son of Jupiter sighed. "You win. So, why are you at my cabin in the middle of the night?"

Nico seemed to get uncomfortable. "I-uhm,i-i needed someone to talk to. The hades cabin is lonely sometimes.."

"Then im your guy. What's on your mind? Spill."  Jason sat up, patting the spot next to him on the bed. 

Nico sighed as he sat down. " i like will."

"I know"

"You know!?"

"Yeah. I can tell. I know you, nico."

"D-do others-s kn-now?"

" i dont think so" 

Nico sighed with relief. " he's so... perfect." 

"Ask him out!" 



" he likes girls!"

"Really, how do you know?"

" h-he.. he only dated girls."

" maybe he just hasn't found the right boy" Jason waggled his eyebrows and put him arm around nico, before pulling back. "S-sorry." He stammered. "I forgot you dont like being touched." 

"Its okay"

They sat in silence for a bit, each thinking about their own curly haired texan boys (Leo and will duh ).

" can i hug you?" Jason broke the silence.

Nicos eyes filled with rage, like, you dare show affection to me?, before quickly draining and filling again, but this time with tears, like, you're showing affection to me?.  "Yeah-" his voice broke and Jason pulled him close, the son of hades burrying his face in the crook of his friends neck. 

The blonde reassured him. "Listen, Nico, he really likes you. I'm no Aphrodite kid, but i can tell. That boy is head over heels for you"

the younger boy grunted and pulled away. "Hmph, yeah sure. Speaking of Aphrodite kids, hows it going with piper?" 

"O-oh. I, um.. yeah."

"You dont like her do you?" Nico said nonchalantly.

"I didn't say that!!!" Jason argued

"Hmmmmm. You like Leo."


"Yeah, you like him."

Jason put his hands on his face. "How do you know?"

Nico did a sassy imaginary hair flip as he spoke. "I have a great gaydar."

"I'm not gay!!"

"Okay! You could be something else, i just meant i can tell that you like him"

"No..i-im straight!!.. right?" 

Nico took jasons hand. " its okay if you're not ready to say it yet, but  you should probably end things with piper before things get complicated."

"Yeah..Nico.. can-, would— please? I'm lonely in here too." 

Nico snuggled up on the bed next to Jason. "Sure! But tomorrow, you're inviting Leo over for a sleepover."

Jason turned the light off and layed next to his friend. "..fine. Goodnight, ghost king"

" 'night, superman" 

Best friends..? //valgrace// (And solangelo too ig)Where stories live. Discover now