Better Not Betray Me

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~Lenna's pov~

He grabbed my hair again and made me look at him.

"I hope you die a slow and painful death," he hissed, his face twisted with pure malice. The words cut through me like a knife, sending a chill down my spine. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. In that moment, I realized the depth of his hatred towards me, and it only fueled my determination to escape his clutches. Just as he was about to hit me again, he got a phone call. His grip on my hair loosened slightly as he reached into his pocket to answer the call. Relief washed over me momentarily, but I knew I couldn't waste this opportunity. I glanced around the room, searching for anything that could help me break free from this nightmare. My eyes landed on a small table nearby, cluttered with various objects. Among the mess, a glimmer caught my attention. It was a key dangling from a keychain. Hope surged within me as I realized it could be the key to my escape.

"Ok, I'll be there. Send that child here immediately," I heard him say into the phone, his voice filled with urgency. I wiggled around, trying to break the chair at least enough to reach the table. The sound of my struggling seemed to go unnoticed by the person on the phone, giving me a small advantage. With each desperate twist and turn, I could feel the chair loosening its grip on me. The key, still dangling in the corner of my vision, became my sole focus. As beads of sweat formed on my forehead, I could sense my determination intensifying. The possibility of escape was within reach, and I refused to let it slip away. Just then, Cal turned around.

"Well, lucky for you, I won't torture you right now," he said with a sinister smirk. His words sent a chill down my spine, and I couldn't help but wonder what he had planned next. The relief of not being tortured in that moment was quickly overshadowed by the realization that this was just a temporary reprieve. Cal had a sadistic nature, and I knew it was only a matter of time before he would resume his torment. I glanced back at the key, still swaying gently from the corner of the room. It was a tantalizing reminder of my dwindling chances for freedom.

"Ok, good bye then." He said this as he turned around. I watched him walk towards the door, his words lingering in the air like a twisted promise. It was unsettling how effortlessly he switched from sadistic torment to a cold, polite farewell. As the door closed behind him, a wave of conflicting emotions washed over me. Shit, I need to get out of here. I tried wiggling again in my bonds, desperately hoping for some slack. But the handcuffs held tight, digging into my wrists with each futile attempt. Panic rose within me as I realized that time was slipping away and the key remained just out of reach.

I tried flopping like a fish to break the chair at least, but the sturdy wooden frame held its ground, refusing to give way to my frantic movements. With each failed attempt, frustration and fear intensified, creating a suffocating atmosphere in the dimly lit room. Beads of sweat trickled down my forehead as my mind raced, desperately searching for a way out of this nightmare. Just then the door opened again, revealing a young boy who couldn't have been older than 20. His eyes widened with surprise as he took in my frantic state, his gaze shifting from the locked door to the chair holding me captive.

A bright smile appeared on my face, thinking he would help me, but I was wrong. He smirked, his amusement evident as he observed my struggle. The hope that had momentarily flickered inside me quickly faded, replaced by a sinking feeling of dread. It became clear that this young boy was not here to rescue me, but perhaps to add fuel to the torment I was enduring. He suddenly pulled out a metal rod from the corner of the room, twirling it effortlessly in his hand. My heart raced as I watched his movements, unsure of what he had planned. The cold, metallic glint of the rod sent shivers down my spine, and I instinctively pressed myself further back into the chair, desperate to escape its reach. His eyes narrowed, a sinister glimmer dancing within them. With each twirl of the rod, his amusement grew, as if relishing in my fear.

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