Cinnamon role

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~Lenna's pov~
"You go and talk to them. I'll secretly attack them," I whispered, my voice filled with determination.

He nodded and ran up to the two guards, putting on a confident facade as he engaged them in conversation. I watched from the shadows, my grip tightening on the cold metal pipe in my hand. The guards seemed suspicious, but his smooth words kept them distracted. As they exchanged words, I took a deep breath and prepared to strike. Timing was crucial, and I waited for the perfect moment to make my move. Just when the time was right , I lunged forward. With a burst of adrenaline, I propelled myself out of the darkness and towards the unsuspecting guards. The element of surprise worked in my favor as I swung the pipe with all my might, connecting with one guard's shoulder. He let out a cry of pain, while the other guard stumbled backward in shock. Taking advantage of their momentary confusion, I quickly followed up with a swift kick to their midsection, sending them both sprawling to the ground. As they lay on the ground, I made sure to keep a close eye on them, checking for any signs of consciousness. Their eyes were closed, and their breathing was steady but shallow; they were clearly unconscious. Satisfied that I had successfully incapacitated them, I proceeded with caution towards my main objective, knowing that their unconscious state would buy me valuable time.

"Hey, what's your name? I forgot to ask." I asked with a smile.

The boy looked at me with a deadpan look.

"I'm not telling you anything," he replied, his voice laced with defiance. I chuckled softly, appreciating his determination even in the face of adversity.

"Fair enough," I said, still keeping my smile intact. "I guess we can save the introductions for later. Right now, let's focus on getting out of here safely, but until then, I'll call you cinnamon roll , since you seem sweet but tough on the outside."

The boy's eyes widened slightly at the unexpected nickname, but a hint of amusement flickered across his face.

"Cinnamon roll, really? You really suck at nicknames," he retorted, playfully rolling his eyes.

"But anyways, can you pat them down and collect their walky-talkies and their guns?" I asked, gesturing towards the unconscious guards lying on the ground. Cinnamon Roll chuckled, a mischievous glint in their eyes.

"Consider it done," he replied, kneeling down to search the guards for any weapons or communication devices. I patted the other guard down and started to collect all the things I thought were valuable from their belts and pockets. As I gathered the walky-talkies and guns, Cinnamon roll swiftly located a hidden knife tucked away in one guard's boot.

"Looks like they were prepared for more than just a routine patrol," Cinnamon Roll remarked, handing me the knife. I examined it closely; its sleek design and sharp edge indicated it was no ordinary weapon. The gravity of the situation began to sink in as I realized the danger we had just narrowly escaped.

"Let's keep moving then," I said, pocketing the knife and motioning for Cinnamon Roll to follow me. We couldn't afford to stay in one place for too long, knowing that more guards could be on their way or that our presence had already been detected. With a renewed sense of urgency, we continued down the dimly lit corridor, our footsteps echoing against the cold stone walls. Every creak of a floorboard and distant sound made us hyperaware of the looming threat that still surrounded us.

Just then, a group of five men burst through the door, their heavy boots pounding against the ground. Panic surged through my veins as I grabbed Cinnamon Roll's hand and sprinted down the corridor, desperately searching for an escape route. The adrenaline fueled our movements, making us faster and more agile as we weaved through twists and turns, trying to outpace our pursuers. The faint sound of their shouts and the clatter of their weapons grew fainter, giving us a glimmer of hope that we might just make it out alive. I pulled him into a corner.

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