Aurora Hart

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~Matteo's pov~

I carried her sleeping figure in my arms , her head resting against my chest.

She had fallen asleep in the car on our way back. As I carefully walked towards the front door, I couldn't help but feel a surge of protectiveness and tenderness towards her. Her peaceful expression and the softness of her features in the dim light made my heart flutter.

"God, if you weren't so cute, it wouldn't be so hard to resist you," I whispered to myself as I gently placed her on the bed. Her delicate form seemed to melt into the mattress , and I couldn't help but linger for a moment, admiring her beauty. The way her eyelashes brushed against her cheeks and the way her lips slightly parted in her sleep made me realize that I most definitely had feelings for her—feelings that I had been trying to deny for far too long.

I couldn't deny the truth any longer—I was falling in love with her.

I groaned, hitting my head on the wall repeatedly in frustration. How had I let myself become so vulnerable? I had always prided myself on being emotionally guarded, never allowing anyone to penetrate the walls I had carefully constructed around my heart. But with her, it was different. She had effortlessly broken down every defense I had, leaving me exposed and defenseless against the overwhelming tide of emotions coursing through me. I couldn't even avoid her if I wanted to. Every time I saw her, my heart would skip a beat and my palms would grow sweaty. I found myself seeking her out in crowded rooms, yearning for just a glimpse of her smile or the sound of her laughter.

I held my face in my hands as I looked at her from across the room. The way the sunlight danced on her hair, illuminating her delicate features, made it impossible for me to tear my eyes away. It was as if time stood still whenever she was near, and all I could think about was how desperately I wanted to be close to her.

I looked at my hands and then at her. What if I kill her just like my dad did? The thought sent a shiver down my spine, a chilling reminder of the darkness that lingered within me. It was a cruel and haunting question that plagued my mind, casting a shadow over the purity of my desires.

I can't get too close to her, I thought to myself, fearing the potential consequences of my presence in her life. The weight of my past and my family's dark history loomed heavily on my shoulders, threatening to suffocate any hope of a future with her.

I leaned my head back against the wall. She was a criminal, too.

I had always prided myself on being a law-abiding citizen, someone who upheld justice and fought against the very darkness that now threatened to consume me. But with her, it felt as though the lines between right and wrong blurred, leaving me torn between my duty to my principles and the magnetic pull of her forbidden allure. No, I can't...

I can't fall in love with her, I whispered to myself, as if trying to convince my own heart.

"Please hate me, Lenna; don't love me ," I pleaded, my voice filled with desperation.

It was a battle of reason versus desire, and I was losing the fight. But I couldn't let her love me, for her own sake and for mine.

~Next day~

~Lenna's pov~

I woke up in my own bed, all alone.

Oh thank god! If I had woken up with a man in my bed, I would have been horrified. The thought of someone being so close to me without my consent sends shivers down my spine. I couldn't bear the idea of someone taking advantage of me while I was vulnerable.

I walked into my bathroom and nearly screamed when I saw a sticky note stuck to my forehead. I quickly peeled it off and read the message written in messy handwriting: 

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