Adrenaline-junkie partner in crime!

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~Next day~

~Lenna's pov~

"Hello, My name is Altas Meyer." A man with striking features and a confident smile introduced himself to us.

"I'm Kamari Alastair. Nice to meet you." A beautiful woman with long, flowing dark hair and sparkling green eyes replied. She had an air of grace and elegance about her, and her warm smile instantly put everyone at ease.

"And I'm Zuko Demir." A tall man with a muscular build and piercing blue eyes chimed in. He exuded a sense of power and charisma that was hard to ignore. As the three of them stood together, it was clear that they were not only incredibly attractive but also possessed an undeniable magnetism that drew everyone's attention. I didn't know that Italian police officers could be this stunning. Their presence alone commanded respect and admiration. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy.

"My name is Lenna Nightingale, and it's a pleasure to be working on this case with you all." I smiled.

I looked back at Matteo and Cal, urging them to introduce themselves.

"Hello, my name is Cal Mclain." Cal flashed a charming smile.

"Matteo Knight."

As I watched Matteo introduce himself in his usual brooding manner, I couldn't help but wonder what was going on with him today. It seemed odd that he would be so distant and stoic during such an important case. Nonetheless, I forced a smile and continued to listen attentively as we began discussing the details of the case at hand.

We all sat down at one of the tables in our hotel's lobby, just talking to each other. I glanced around the bustling lobby, taking in the familiar faces of our team. Kamari, our brilliant tech expert, sat beside me, her fingers tapping away on her laptop. Across from us, Zuko, our sharp-witted investigator, leaned back in his chair, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. Then there was Atlas, the best person for combat, who was skimming through the file, and there was Matteo, sitting on the edge of his seat, his eyes fixed intently on the map spread out before him.

Matteo's intense gaze never wavered from the map, his mind undoubtedly calculating every possible scenario and strategy. Did I ever mention he was really good at strategizing? It was as if he had a sixth sense for anticipating the enemy's moves, always staying one step ahead, and his unwavering focus in high-pressure situations never ceased to amaze the rest of us, but he was an absolute jerk. Then there was the sunshine of our group, Cal, who couldn't be more different from Matteo. While Matteo was the mastermind, Cal was the heart and soul of our team. His infectious smile and positive energy could brighten even the darkest of days. Cal had an uncanny ability to bring out the best in people, effortlessly uniting us and creating a sense of camaraderie that was vital in our line of work. Whether it was lifting our spirits after a tough mission or finding creative solutions to seemingly impossible problems, Cal's optimism and genuine kindness never failed to make a difference. My smile faltered as I looked at all of them.

They really were the best, but then there I was , doubting myself and feeling like I didn't quite measure up. I was a total mess that really couldn't be fixed , or so I thought.

I put on a fake smile and faced them.

"So as you all understand from the gathered information about Donovola, he has been appearing on and off in different places with no certain path, and this time it's here in Italy. We can try tracing the path he has taken so far, but there are no guarantees. We will need to divide into teams and cover as much ground as possible. I have a few leads that we can start with, but I encourage all of you to bring any additional information or ideas to the table." The room fell into a thoughtful silence as everyone processed the information.

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