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~Lenna's pov~

I twisted my ankle while running. The pain shot up my leg, causing me to stumble and collapse onto the forest floor. My wedding dress cushioned my fall, but the throbbing in my ankle was unbearable.

I gritted my teeth, determined not to let this setback stop me.

All of them stopped running and rushed over to me.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Kamari asked, concern etched on her face.

I tried to put on a brave face, forcing a smile as I reassured them that I was fine. But the pain was becoming more intense with each passing moment, making it increasingly difficult to hide the discomfort I was feeling. Kamari, always the practical one, knelt down beside me and gently examined my ankle.

"It looks swollen," she remarked, her voice laced with concern.

Ya, it is. You shouldn't run anymore!" Atlas also knelt down beside me, his worry evident in his furrowed brow.

We all heard the thunderous footsteps of the mob getting closer.

"We can't wait longer," Zuko said, panicked. "We need to keep moving."

"Are you dumb? Can you see that she can't walk?" Cal snapped at Zuko, his frustration evident. Zuko's face flushed with embarrassment as he realized his mistake. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that," he stammered, trying to backtrack.

 "It's okay," I reassured him, despite the pain shooting through my ankle. "We just need to come up with a plan."

"You guys go ahead; I'll pick her up and carry her," Matteo offered, his voice filled with determination. Cal and I exchanged a hesitant glance before nodding in agreement. With one swift motion, Matteo scooped me up into his arms, careful to avoid putting pressure on my injured ankle. The pain was still sharp, but I bit my lip and held back any complaints. We knew we couldn't afford to waste any more time. Then we all started running again , our footsteps echoing through the empty streets. The adrenaline pumping through my veins dulled the pain in my ankle, and I clung tightly to Matteo, trusting him to carry me to safety. Our black car was parked just a few blocks away, and we had to reach it before they caught up. Matteo's strength and determination pushed us forward, despite my injury.

As we sprinted towards our escape, the angry yelling grew louder in the distance. Panic bubbled up within me. The weight of Matteo's body pressed against mine; his every stride was a testament to his unwavering resolve. Sweat trickled down my forehead, blurring my vision, but I couldn't allow exhaustion to overtake me.

The minute we reached the car, Zuko got into the driver's seat, and Kamari took the seat beside me, while Atlas, Cal, Matteo, and I were in the back seat, breathless and eager to put as much distance between us and the mob as possible. The engine roared to life, the sound drowning out the pounding of my heart. Zuko expertly manuvred the car through the narrow streets, his eyes focused and determined. The adrenaline coursing through my veins masked the pain in my injured leg, allowing me to focus solely on the urgent need to escape. With every passing second, the angry yells grew fainter, slowly fading into the background. We were gaining distance, leaving behind the chaos and danger that had threatened to consume us until I looked back at a few men on bikes chasing us relentlessly. Their determined expressions and revving engines sent a shiver down my spine, reminding me that our escape was far from over. Zuko's grip on the steering wheel tightened, his knuckles turning white as he pushed the car to its limits. I could feel the tension in the air—a palpable mix of fear and determination that fueled our fight for freedom. As the men on bikes closed in, their shouts of anger growing louder, I had to do something.

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