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~The Wedding~

~Lenna's pov~

I sat outside the marriage hall decked out just like a bride on a bench with a plate of chocolate tiramisu in my lap. The sweet aroma of the dessert filled the air, momentarily distracting me from the nervous anticipation that had been building up inside me all morning. As I took a small, delicate bite, the rich flavors danced on my tongue, providing a momentary escape from the whirlwind of emotions that threatened to consume me. I almost moaned at the taste. Goddamn, Italy really knows how to create the perfect dessert. The creamy texture of the tiramisu melted in my mouth, leaving behind a lingering sweetness that seemed to temporarily ease the weight on my shoulders. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to be transported to the streets of Rome, imagining myself strolling through the vibrant city, indulging in gelato, and savoring every moment of pure bliss.

Kamari must be saying her vows right now. I mean her fake vows, but vows nonetheless.

I took another bite before sighing. I need to take some of these back home for my parents, I thought to myself. They would absolutely love this delicate and decadent dessert. As I savored the last few bites of the tiramisu, I couldn't help but smile at the thought of sharing this newfound culinary treasure with my family. It would be a small piece of Italy that I could bring back home, a delicious reminder of my own journey and the memories created along the way.

"I vow to be your wife for better or for worse, in sickness and in health."

The vows echoed from inside the hall. OH SHIT I FORGOT!!!! I have to crash a wedding!!!

I wiped my mouth with a napkin and retouched my lipstick, trying to calm my racing heart.

The tiramisu had momentarily distracted me from my mission, but now reality hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Any objections to this marriage?" the priest asked, his voice cutting through the air.

I quickly put the veil over my face and pushed the wedding hall's doors open with a trembling hand. The dimly lit room was filled with hushed anticipation, and all eyes turned towards me as I stepped into the spotlight.

"I OBJECT!" I yelled. The sound of my own voice echoed through the hall, momentarily silencing the gasps and whispers that had filled the room. The groom's eyes widened in surprise, his face transforming from confusion to horror.

I yanked my veil off my face and looked straight at the groom.

"How.. How could you do this to me? HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME AT THE ALTAR TO MARRY HER?" I demanded, trying to make my voice sound like it was trembling with a mixture of anger and heartbreak. The room fell into a heavy silence, as everyone waited with bated breath for the groom's response. His mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water, struggling to find the right words.

"Who the fuck are you?" The groom stammered, his face turning pale. The room erupted in gasps and murmurs as the guests exchanged bewildered glances. I could feel the weight of their eyes on me, waiting for an explanation.

"Don't play dumb with me," I hissed, taking a step closer to him. "We were supposed to be getting married today. I loved you and you betrayed me." I fake sobbed , clutching my chest for dramatic effect. The groom's expression transformed from shock to a mix of guilt and confusion. His voice trembled as he finally found his words. "I...I don't understand," he managed to say, his eyes pleading for understanding. The room fell silent, the tension thickening with each passing second.

"You don't understand? After everything we've been through, you have the audacity to pretend like you don't know?" I then pointed at Kamari, whose face was hidden by the veil.

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