When your family wants 'The Tea'

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~Next day~

I sat in bed, horrified, replaying yesterday like a broken record. I kissed him.

How could I just kiss him?

I stuffed my face in the pillow and screamed my lungs out.

I have to go meet my parents right now.

I grabbed my keys and rushed out of the door, hoping to clear my head on the drive over. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized how much trouble I was in. Matteo already thought I was a criminal, but now I had kissed him, making things even more complicated. I couldn't believe I had let my guard down like that. I had been so focused on proving my innocence and gaining Matteo's trust that I forgot that these things still existed. I didn't know they existed until now. Also, who the hell decided that hearts shaped like bullets would be a great way to bring soulmates together? LIKE WHO THE FUCK- But it was too late for regrets now. I had to face the consequences of my actions and find a way to salvage the situation before it spiraled out of control. As I drove towards my parents' house, my mind raced with different scenarios and possible solutions.

I parked my car in front of my parents' house, right behind their sleek black sedan. My car, on the other hand, was anything but sleek. It was an old, battered thing that had seen better days. The paint job was faded and peeling, with patches of rust here and there. The engine emitted a loud and ominous rumble every time I revved it up, like it was on the brink of giving up at any moment. But it had served me well so far that I had become emotionally attached. My gaze landed on the car beside theirs.

It was a shiny new sports car that I couldn't help but admire. Wait a minute.

I went closer to take a look, only to realize it was Kane's car. Oh great, even he's here.

I'm going to die today...

I took a deep breath and pushed open the gate to my house, my heart beating faster with each step closer. As I approached the door, I could hear faint music coming from inside.

I put on a smile and knocked on the door. Seconds later, I heard a muffled voice from inside, followed by my parents opening the door. As I stepped inside, the music grew louder, and I saw Kane lounging on the couch.

"Oh Lenna! What are you doing here? doing here?" He grinned, making his dimples pop.

I looked at my parents and him.

"You all might want to sit down for this."
My heart was pounding as I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. Kane's grin faded as he saw the seriousness on my face, and my parents exchanged worried glances.

"What's going on, Lenna?" My dad asked, his voice laced with concern. "Is everything okay?"

I hesitated for a moment, trying to find the right words to say. Finally, I took another deep breath and spoke.

"I might have found my soulmate.." I said sheepishly. Everyone's jaw dropped.

Mom squealed in excitement and hugged me tightly, while my dad looked at me in disbelief.

"That's amazing news!" Mom exclaimed. "Tell us everything; how did you meet?" she asked eagerly.

Suddenly, Kane yells at the top of his lungs.


Was the only thing I heard before I got my body slammed to the floor.

~Few mins later~

"And I kissed him, making all the hearts disappear.." I said this as I patted the ice pack on my forehead. My parents were staring at me in shock. Kane was standing in the corner, his arms crossed and a smirk on his face.

"This is what happened to me and your dad. I kissed him, and all the hearts disappeared, but they never attacked us. They simply just followed us..."My mom looked at me with a mixture of confusion and concern.

"What do you mean they followed you?" I asked. I sighed and tried to collect my thoughts.

"I don't really know," she admitted. "It's like they were just attracted to us or something. They didn't hurt us or anything; they just kind of...followed us around."

Kane spoke up then, his voice laced with amusement.

"Sounds like you two have your own personal fan club," he joked. I rolled my eyes at him but couldn't help the small smile that tugged at my lips.

"Well, at least I'm happy you can have a soulmate now, but I don't want Matteo. Can I somehow reverse this?" I asked my dad. He chuckled and showed me his ring.

"No can do."

I groaned and threw back my head, letting out a silent scream. It was hard to accept that my fate was now intertwined with someone like Matteo, but I couldn't imagine spending the rest of my life with him, let alone sharing a soul. I couldn't help but feel a sense of resentment towards my dad for getting me into this mess. But then again, it wasn't entirely his fault. The soulmate bond was something beyond anyone's control. I sighed and rubbed my temples, trying to shake off the feeling of helplessness that was creeping up on me.

"Good luck, Lenna! I hope you have cute kids!" Kane grinned. I wacked him.



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