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Well for starters I just wanna say that we both came from different backgrounds. The life before my dad died and after was totally different. Our dads were the reason we met in the first place. Both were NFL hall of fame stars, but they knew each other before the fame or publicity.

We were next door neighbors but honestly it seemed like we lived in the same house considering how much we were over each others house every day. I remember the first time we actually met....I could tell that story over and over.



"Mommy why are we dressed like we're finna go to church? Because it's not Sunday"9 year old Kamora said looking at herself and two other siblings dressed cleanly. It made her confused because they only dressed this nice in Sunday's with their grandmother.

"Hush Kamora, we're going out to eat at a nice restaurant with daddy's friends and their children. You have to set a good first impression sweetheart" our mom said and Kamora just nodded.

Meanwhile me Ashauni stood there right beside her older brother, hand in hand. I never mentioned my little brother because he's currently in the military overseas.

We lost communication as soon as he turnt 18, the year our dad died. Over the years we got less closer with each other. I miss him, just don't have enough courage to write a letter.

Before Kamora was my best friend, Antwan "Twan" for short was mine. He was like a reflection of my dad, and tried his best to act like him after my dad passed away. After all he was a Jr, so he was the one who could keep the blood like going.

Anyways enough of the pitty party, and ima going to get back to telling my flash back.

"Daddy" my quiet yet raspy voice spoke as i tugged on my dads jacket to his suit. He immediately brought his attention to me and leaned down to my level.

"Yes Babygirl?" He replied in a sweet tone, I remember him having such a deep voice. But when he spoke to me it was nothing but a soft voice.

"When are we going to go in the restaurant, I'm hungry" I asked staring at my outfit. I had on a cute ballerina pink poofy dress and some type of dress shoes.

"We gone eat soon, we're just waiting on My friend Prime, remember the one I told you about? The ones who's sons are coming to the same school as you and your lil brother and big sister " he spoke and I slowly nodded not really knowing who the man named "prime" was.

At that age I thought it was quite silly to be called "prime". And knew that it couldn't have been his real name, curiosity would lead me to asking "prime" his real name when I saw him.

"Twan" I heard a deep voice say catching my fathers attention. He tuned around match the same energy as the man "prime". I tuned out what they were saying as they greeted each other.

My mom greeted the other kids mom and my sister being the outgoing one intimated conversation with the other kids. there were quite to many to greet if you asked me. It was five of them.

Majority of them looked older or younger than me, not this one boy though. We were about the same height, the first thing I noticed about him was his poofy hair.

"My names Kamora, this is my brother Antwan and my little sister Ashauni. What's y'all's name's" Kamora spoke with a big ole grin and she stared at the boy who seems to look the same age as her.

"I'm Shilo, thats Deion, Deiondra, Shelomi and Sheduer" Shilo spoke as proudly as my sister.

I remember my brother and Shelomi being the same age aka the youngest of the group. Deiondra and Deion were the oldest out of the bunch. Shilo and my sister were the second and oldest. Me and Sheduer were the third oldest of the group.

"Um your dress....is...very poofy" Sheduer said stepping towards me. I looked at my dress and Just shrugged at the comment he made. I didn't know wether to take it as a compliment or insult.

"Your hair....is very poofy, what's your name again" I asked squinting my eyebrows at the boy who stood there nervously. I wasn't that outgoing as a child either, but I didn't show it. He did

"Sheduer" he said and in my head I knew I wouldn't call him that. So I was making up a nickname in my head.

"I'm gonna call you She' (Shey), my names Ashauni" I said reminding him of my name.

"Since we're picking names, I'm gonna...call you Ash" he said and I nodded. We didn't say much words to each other that day. That was the only full conversation we had after that day.

There were many other interactions after that day. Some meaningless ones and the others which led us to you being my best friend. I won't share all this moments just yet but you'll hear all about them sooner or later. This was just the beginning, of a lifetime you could say.

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For an update

-the next chapter will still be about the pool party, I couldn't leave you guys hanging like that😀

-I hope y'all are enjoying this book, thank you to everyone reading,voting,commenting all that💕!! It's appreciated

-thoughts? (Any thoughts,ideas?)


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