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The party wasn't the first time I saw you Sheduer. However it was the first time, actually the second time . But I really haven't saw you since we were both 9 and 10 before those 2 times. I didn't know it would be the last time I saw you either back then . It was my Dads funeral, you sat beside me the whole time as I cried on your shoulder.

But looking at you now, seeing that you weren't the same snaggle tooth 10 year old. Instead you were the super star that you planed on being since you were 10 years old,just like you told me . I wondered did you remember me? Cause I'd never forget you.

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"Hello welcome to the Buffalo book store, let me know if you need any help or anything" I spoke for the 100th time today it seemed. I could never get sick of my job though.

I loved reading and books so why not work in a bookstore. It's way more active than the library, it's nothing but old people there. The book store was busy, it had its good days and bad days.

As of right now the book store was about to close at 8:00 it was currently 7:30. I couldn't wait to get back to my dorm that I shared with my Sister Kamora "kam" or "mora" for short. How lucky for us to be sharing a dorm, way better than a random stranger.

I was standing on a little ladder making sure books were where they were supposed to be. And making sure they were stacked neatly.

"Actually I was wondering is there anymore textbooks for Business Majors" I heard a deep voice say, it sounded quite familiar. Stopping what I was doing, I came down from the ladder. and I faced the figure who was talking.

If I did recognize him I wouldn't be able to tell, he had his hair in his face and a hoodie. It definitely looked like he wasn't trying to be noticed or bothered.

"Yes we do actually, There are some in the back. Just follow me" I said. He nodded following me to the back of the store.

"I have a question, If that's okay?" I asked as we stood on the isle where the business major books were.

"Yea Wassup?" He said turning around now facing me.

"Are you new or something I've never seen you before" I asked he had to have just transferred. He looked like an athlete just based on his height and he looked like an athlete.

"I guess you could say I'm new, so let me introduce myself my names Sheduer , what's yours?" He asked now looming me in my eyes. I remembered him, his name was almost one of a kind.

"Ashauni, you probably don't remember me but-

"Oh shit, I remember you Ash- I wasn't paying attention at first but I am now" he said taking of his hood and pulling me into a hug. It was kinda unexpected but I didn't mind one from him. He smelt good like a fresh shower, cocoa butter lotion, and cologne.

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