||Injured, Meeting and News||

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{Leap of 18 years}

{Characters :


Abhimanyu and Uttara - Parents of Parikshit, Priya and Pihu. Well Parikshit and Priya are from Abhimanyu's first marriage.

Niramitra and Nandhini - Parents of Prachi.

Suhotra and Vatsala - Parents of Niharika.

Karthik and Naira - Parents of Mahi and Meera.

Abhinya - Daughter of Arjun and Subhadra.

(Uttara's parents will be revealed later. Nandhini is Sisupal's daughter who is the brother of Renu, Vijaya and Valandra)


Praduyman and Suthanu - Parents of Rohit.

Nishant and Samyuktha - Parents of Mahir.

Randeep - Son of Krishna and Jambavati

Siddharth - Son of Krishna and Satyabhama.


Bhargavi and Srinivas - Parents of Naveen, Nikhil and Neha. Naveen and Nikhil are from Srinivas's first marriage. Bhargavi is the daughter of Arjun and Chitra.

Cabir - Son of Urvi and Karn. Husband of Navya.


Third pov

Everyone from Panchal and Dwarka were in Hastinapur. They were all eating a big feast of all favorite food of Pihu as it was her birthday. Everyone was talking to each other except Chitra. She was eating and only nodding. She wasn't someone who talked not even to her own daughter. She only talked to Uttara, Cabir and Siddharth but they were talking to their friends.

Exactly that time everything started shaking. Chitra Uttara, Cabir and Siddharth looked at each other. Now what drama is going to happen?

Before anyone could react two men entered the room.

Yudhisthir : Who are you?

Chitra : Why are you guys here?

"Uhhhh How do we say this?"

Chitra : With your mouth dummy.

"Oh wow I didn't know that."

Cabir : Ved uncle and Harsh uncle why are you here?

Ved : Its a havoc back there.

Chitra : Whats wrong?

Harsh : You want the bad news or the bad news?

Uttara : Pitashree please just say the news.

Harsh : First news there was a jail break and Charumati and her in mate is missing.

Chitra : Thats all?

Uttara : Do you know how horrible this is?

Chitra : Sure. Next bad news.

Ved : Its the second queen.

Chitra : Whats wrong with her?

Ved : She got injured. Well all three queens and Navya.

Chitra : Even Navya?

Cabir : What happened to her?

Harsh : yeah. Well those three are fine but the second queen.....

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