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Draupadi pov

We just returned from Panchal and me, Chitra, Suthakarma and Uloopi were staring at the book.

Uloopi : What do you think is written?

Me : I don't know but the warning seems very clear that its not a good book.

Chitra : Didi send it to Nagalok maybe your grandparents can look into it.

Uloopi nodded and took the book and went.

Suthakarma : Doesn't seem like a good sign.

Me : I know.

Chitra : Stop stressing. It can't be something that big. Lets go.

All three of us went down to the common room. Abhimanyu was sitting with a chess board.

Me : Abhi what happened?

Abhimanyu : Pitashree doesn't want to play with me as he is busy.

Me : Its okay I will play.

Abhimanyu : You know chess?

Me : Yes.

Chitra : Chess is like a game of life.

Me and Abhimanyu started playing while Suthakarma sat with Chitra or in other words on her lap. Abhimanyu was really good for his age but he is underestimating who he is playing with. 

Sahadev entered the room and saw the two of us looking at the board. He didn't say anything and sat down next to Chitra. In just few minutes i made a checkmate.

Chitra : YES!

Suthakarma just clapped while Abhimanyu smiled.

Sahadev : I didn't know you played chess.

Abhimanyu : Yes Badi ma you never told us.

Me : I learnt by myself and also Uloopi and I used to play a lot together.

Abhimanyu : Nice.

Exactly that time Uloopi came in panting.

Me : What happened?

Uloopi : Nothing I just want to run.

Chitra : You look like you ran from a ghost.

Uloopi : No I don't.

Chitra : Yes you do.

Uloopi : Whatever.

Abhimanyu : Badi me beat me in chess.

Uloopi : She is a wonderful player.

Abhimanyu : You know who else is a wonderful player Sahadev Chacha.

Uloopi : Your mother can beat him.

Sahadev : I am right here.

Chitra : Perfect. Both of play and lets see who wins.

Sahadev : Okay.

We both started playing.

You are going to lose Sahadev!

Sahadev pov

I watched how she played with Abhimanyu. Her moves were small but caused major impact and she played almost the same way with me.

I was almost about to win but i purposely put the wrong move and of course she won. Chitra and Suthakarma also jumped with her but Abhimanyu and Uloopi just looked at me.

Uloopi : You could have won.

Me : I decided to let her win.

Abhimanyu : But why uncle ?

Me : To see few people happy its not wrong losing.

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