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Draupadi pov

Chitra : Sit with us.

Me : No thank you. I am not hungry.

Chitra : Sit down.

Uloopi pulled me and I sat between them. The maids were about to keep the food.

Me : Please no. I am full.

Uloopi : You didn't eat anything.

Me : I usually don't eat dinner. I will sit to give you guys company.

Chitra and Uloopi are super fun to hang out. Renu doesn't like me much. Vijaya distances herself from everyone. Subhadra and I had fun playing chess and talking. Valandra didn't talk at all. Urvi was with herself most of the time.

Subhadra : thats not good for health.

Me : I have been doing this for 5 years. I am still alive.

Satyabhama : She is very adamant. Trust me.

Uloopi : I know.

"Why is she sitting with us?"

Rukmini : Bhanumati she is married to the Pandav why wouldn't she sit with us.

"A low class born sitting with us is wrong."

Me : Who are you?

"I am Bhanumati wife of Duryodhan."

Me : You mean the man who I saw seducing a maid. Honey control him and then talk about me.

Chitra : wow.

Bhanumati : How dare you.

Me : Talk to me with respect. I am your eldest brother in laws wife.

Bhanumati : I want my food to come to my room (to some maid). I won't spare you tomorrow.

Me : Whatever.

Bhanumati left while everyone looked at me.

Renu : You stood up to Bhanu. I am impressed.

Me : She is a spoilt father's princess.

Vijaya : True.

I smiled and sat down but I couldn't ignore how angry Kunti looked. I just hid behind Uloopi.

Uloopi : So you are not going to eat?

Me : I am fine. But you know what I am tired. I am going off to bed. Good night.

Chitra : Good night.

I went to my room and something hit me. I won't spare you tomorrow? What does she mean?

Next day

Duryodhan : Having a yuvarani like her is horrible.

When I heard this I instantly looked at him. I had blacked out completely and those words got me back.

Duryodhan : She is a low class and someone who marries 5 people how can she be pure.

Me : Why did you stop continue?

Everyone looked at me. I stood up and

Me : You are right I am a low class. I married 5 people. But your highness we missed something. the Pandav married me a low class to save my life. Which I know none of you here would have done. Your highness I am going to come directly to the point. A person who can't respect his own sister in law, how will he respect the people? Who will he care for them? A king and the yuvaraj should care of the citizens but you and your wife can't do anything of that sort. Highness you have him as the yuvaraj you will see the fall of Hastinapur and I am not threatening you but that is the truth.

Duryodhan : You are saying someone like you and Yudhisthir should take up throne.

Me : I don't care if I don't get the throne but yes he is suitable. And not just for saving my life but also he never tried to kill his own cousins because if they did try you won't be alive.

Duryodhan : You have no rights to speak here.

Me :  I may be a low class but I have self respect too.

Bhishma : Sit down both of you. Duryodhan apologize to Draupadi. She is the Kulavadhu of this palace.

Duryodhan : Sorry.

Me : Okay.

I went back to my place.

Vidur : Maharaj it is rightful to return the throne back to Yudhisthir as he is the suitable one.

"But your Maharaj."

Bhishma : Ghandaraj this is Hastinapur business don't poke your nose into it.

Sakuni : Of course Gangaputra.

Bhishma : The coronation for Yudhisthir for the Yuvraj position will happen soon. I don't care if anyone is against this because this is the decision.

Some minister : And the Yuvarani?

Bhishma : i think Draupadi has proved herself worthy for the position. It takes a lot of guts to put your views in the courtroom without getting worried. She will be the Yuvarani.

Me : But...

Bhishma : If anyone is against this decision I don't care. Which includes you Draupadi.

I smiled but actually I was trying hard not to laugh.

Dhirthrastra : Tatshree. This isn't my decision.

Bhishma : Let me remind you, you can be the king but I am your uncle I know that your decision won't be right. You can either accept this or I won't just make Yudhisthir the yuvaraj I would make him the king. I don't think anyone will go against me.

Nobody spoke a word.

Bhishma : good. Get the things ready. Renu you are perfect for dress choices. Take Draupadi and make sure she chose something wonderful. Valandra will check on the food and make sure Bheem is know where near it.

Me : Why?

Chitra : He will eat everything.

Me : Oh.

Bhishma : Vijaya check on the decorations. Uloopi you will help Renu and Draupadi chose a dress. Chitra you are giving Subhadra company.

Subhadra : I want to help.

Bhishma : You are 5 months pregnant. I can't let you do anything. 

Subhadra gave him the cutest look there can be.

Bhishma : Fine. you will be with Draupadi and help her chose.

Subhadra : Of course.

Bhishma : Kunti will be with Vijaya and check the decorations. Urvi you check the guest list.

Urvi : Dwarka are already here.

Bhishma : Invite Panchal also.

Urvi nodded.

Bhishma : now the court is over.

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