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(2 years has passed)

Draupadi pov

I am busy reading something in my room. These 2 years were something. That diary ended up with Uloopi's grandparents since it was too dangerous. Urvi has a son named Cabir. Satyabhama has a son named Siddharth. Siya has a daughter named Naira and Karthik is so fond of her. My life well I ended up forgiving Sahadev Arya and Nakul Arya and we are spending this year together. Suthakarma walks, talks, lifts the bow and does everything. Uloopi found the location where Vrushali's body is.

I looked up and saw Sahadev Arya just looking at me. What is wrong?

Me : What are you doing?

Sahadev : is it wrong to see my beautiful wife?

I just looked away while he laughed. Exactly that time Nakul came but he looked angry. Before I could react he held by the neck.

Sahadev : NAKUL?!

Nakul : Why did you do this to me?

What did I do?!

"Let her go."

I saw the enitre family except Renu. It was Uloopi who spoke. Nakul didn't leave my neck. Uloopi got angry and her eyes went red.

Oh no?!

Everything around her started to float.

Uloopi : LET HER GO!

Nakul left me while I looked at Uloopi confused.

Nakul : You are siding with her?

Me : What is going on?

Nakul : Don't act innocent. Tell me the truth the day when Vrushali was punished for killing my child, was it you who actually murdered my child?

What the hell is going on?!

Me : What are you talking about?


I just nodded while Uloopi rolled her eyes.

Nakul : See.....Bhai you told me not to believe in anyone's tale but hear it from her own mouth. Tell me the day we meet you were you actually going to marry an old man.

I shook my head no.

Arjun : Then why did you come along with us?

Uloopi : I will tell you why. Vrushali's death was unfair and she married into this family to be closer to Karn to find out about her body.

Nakul : I don't care about this. Tell me did you poison....


The minute I said there was a huge silence.

Me : I asked Vrushali to poison Renu's drink. I did it because.....

"You have a reason to kill my child?"

I saw Renu entering the room.

Me : Renu listen....

Renu : i blamed my sister for everything when it was you?

Uloopi : No it was me.

Everyone's attention went to Uloopi.

Uloopi : I made this decision that your child shouldn't live. Vrushali and Draupadi just listened to me. And just so you know your blame did nothing to her life.



The minute she said that everyone went slient.

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