||A new life||

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Draupadi pov

"Marriage over"

The word kept roaming in my head. I am married. Not to one but five. I looked out of my carriage and saw one of my husbands.

Me : How long till we reach?

"You are really impatient."

Me : How long?

"Princess we will reach in half an hour but if you don't stop asking I will make sure you we stay here for one more day. You want that?"

"Dev don't be rude."

"Bhai she is troubling me."

I went back inside the carriage and just sat. I am not a princess. I belonged to a low place. My family never loved me. They wanted me gone. They sold me to someone who was more than 20 years older to me. I ran away and met these five. I was dehydrated and they helped. All of sudden we were surrounded by people who wanted to kill me to feed their god. They gave them an option to either marry me or let me die. Thats how they married me.

Who are these five people? I don't know.

I again went out and asked the other brother.

Me : You never told your names and you never asked mine also.

"I am Yudhisthir."

"I am Bheem."

"I am Arjun."

"I am Nakul."

"I am Sahadev."

Did I just marry the five brothers who belong to Hastinapur? The great warriors. I am doomed.

Arjun : your name?

Me : I am Draupadi. You can call me Nitya.

Nakul : Why would we call you that?

Me : My friends call me that.

Sahadev : We are not your friends.

Me : Right.

I went back inside and continued doing something with hands.

After sometime

Arjun : Come out we reached.

I got down and I saw how many people were waiting.

Me : A very big family? It that Govind?

Arjun : Thats Madhav.

Me : No thats Govind.

We started walking and continued arguing.

Me : Govind

Arjun : Madhav

Me : Govind

Arjun : Madhav

Me : Govind

Arjun : Madhav.

We both continued arguing and everyone was looking at us. It ended with Arjun saying Govind.

Me : I win.

Govind : Now. I am Govind to you and Madhav to him.

Me : No you are my friend.

Satyabhama : He is friends with everyone but Nitya I am only your friend.

I smiled.

"Somebody better explain me what happened."

Me : Nothing just that we were just arguing about his name.

"Not that!(sternly) marriage."

Me : Whose marriage?

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