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Arjun pov

I entered Subhadra's room and found her in the balcony. Abhimanyu was nowhere in the room.

Me : Where is Abhimanyu?

Subhadra : With Krish bhai and Rukmini bhabhi.

The Yadav and Panchal had arrived yesterday and Karn was polite enough to wish me and then went to talk to Draupadi.

Me : Oh! Why are you standing there?

Subhadra : Aren't you supposed to be with Uloopi?

For some reasons I felt a bit of jealousy in her voice but i ignored it.

Me : I thought of talking to you and then going to Uloopi.

Subhadra : So you are going to her room.

Me : She is pregnant and obviously I would go.

Subhadra : A normal man during the final month of their wife's pregnancy will stay with them.

Me : Look Draupadi wanted to discuss something important to us so thats why i went.

Subhadra : I don't care about that but thats not the first time. You are always with her. I get it she is your first love but let me remind you I am your first wife.

Me : You are being ridiculous.

Subhadra : I can't do this.

Me : Do what?

Subhadra : Act like I am not hurt. Your brought in three women after me.

Me : Chitra and Draupadi weren't out of love and we both know that.

Subhadra : Uloopi is out of love. WHY DID YOU MARRY ME THEN?! Bhai had chosen someone who would have always kept me first.

Me : Karn wouldn't have. He loves Vrushali and will always even if did.....nothing. I mean nothing.

Subhadra : What do you know about him?

Me : I know about him more than you do.

Subhadra : Really you sure about it. All I can see is both of you on top of each others throat. 

Me : That is none of your business.

Subhadra : I am you wife and you should tell me things.

Me : Just stop it Subhadra. I came here hoping to be with Abhimanyu  I definitely didn't come here to hear you. I am going.

I walked out of the room and I can't deny the fact that everything she said is true but little does she know the actual truth.

Subhadra pov

Right after he left I started laughing. I couldn't help it. Draupadi came out of her hiding and gave me a weird look.

Me : This the only way to make them both together.

Draupadi rolled her eyes.

Draupadi : So you started a conversation about Uloopi and changed it to something else. I am impressed and I am more shocked Arjun couldn't find it out.

Me : I am genius and my brother is Krish so you get the picture. We need to know more about Karn.

Draupadi : I know but I feel we should ask Uloopi everything.

Me : No she will feed us lies. I know her too well.

Draupadi : Okay all we know is that Karn did something to Vrushali. What is it?

Me : We will find it out and we will tell all of this to Uloopi.

Draupadi : Uloopi will have no choice but to tell us the whole truth including why she is here.

I smiled while Draupadi smirked.

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