Shazam: "Nachos?"

The captain takes a moment to process what Wally is not quite asking for before taking off.

Shazam: "Oh! I'll go get you some."

As he flies by Mason is hit and lands on his back before rolling with the force of the Throw that gains his opponent 5pts as he groans. Artemis smirks as she jogs towards the Bird, though not making it clear if she's still fighting or going to help him get up.

Behind her, Kaldur and M'gann are in far closer combat. She throws a low punch towards Kaldur's side that he blocks with his forearm for 2pts, stepping forward to throw another at his face that he uses an open hand to knock his wrist out of the way for 2pts more. He spins to try and get a front kick in, though M'gann blocks with a knife-hand to his ankle for 2pts back.

Black Canary: "Good work everyone."

Black Canary speaks up, calm even though two of the teens are still fighting over her.

Black Canary: "In fact, it's been a very productive week."

Kaldur and M'gann have made it to the center of the training ring and they stop when they see Artemis standing calmly, looking at Wally.

Artemis: "Yeah, for everyone except Kid Malingerer."

The archer taunts. Wally finishes his drink of juice, glaring at the blonde.

Wally: "Hey, arm broken in combat against the InJustice League here."

He waves off the cast to prove his point while Mason gets in between them.

Mason: "Easy you two."

Black Canary chuckles.

Black Canary: "I've really enjoyed being your, uh,"

She tries to find the word to describe it.

Black Canary: "den mother this week."


Zatara; 1-1

Everyone in the room turns to the man in the suit and top hat with a cane- that he's not using- standing in the Zeta Tube as he moves outside it and then uses a HoloScreen without a word to them.

Access Granted.

Zatanna Zatara; A-0-3,


Zatara; 1-1.

The Zeta Tube lights up again and Zatara steps up.

Zatara: "Zatanna, this is the Team. Team, my daughter, Zatanna."

She looks very much like her father with the dark black hair that falls over her shoulder and is parted on the left side, and skin tone. The only difference being her baby blue eyes, and that she's wearing a school uniform. M'gann flies over to the clearly nervous girl, landing easily.

M'gann: "Hi I'm-"

Dick: "Robin!"

The Boy Wonder cuts her off with a bout of vibrancy and a wave, then clears his throat as he steps up.

Dick: "I mean, I'm Robin. Ah, she's Megan, uh and that's Red Robin, Wally, Artemis, Kaldur, and Conner."

Even Conner is giving her a smile while Mason holds in a laugh.

Kaldur: "Welcome to the Cave." Kaldur offers.

Zatanna: "Uh, thanks."

Zatanna says quietly, looking over at her dad.

Young Justice: NomadWhere stories live. Discover now