Bee king part 14

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You decide to punish the man for hurting you earlier. Allowing your dick to keep expanding within him.

He wails as your dick continues to obscenely stretch his sphincter. You feel your dick pushing his abdomen against the floor. But you don't stop. His organs slide out of the way as you continue to grow. Your dick swelling within him.

At this point he's drooling profusely as his body convulsives, milking your cock.

Eventually you can feel his heart beat resonating near your dick. You decide to stop growing at that point. Now you'll christen this new living cocksleeve. You begin to retract your hips back, slidinging at least 12 inches of dick out. Then in one go, ram all 12 inches back in. You repeat this until creating an enjoyable rythem. Every time you plunge in, you hear air exhaling from the man's mouth. Every time you pull out, air is inhaled. You've fucked the man into an accordion.

At this point, the man is utterly unconscious. You grow irritated at your dick continuously hitting against the floor, so youlay the man on his side while you fuck him while spooning. Finally, you can let loose and watch smuggly as his engorged abdomen protrudes even more outward with every thrust.

The pleasure begins to be too much and you begin cumming inside the man. Cum shoots out of his mouth immediately. You keep pumping cum, it just keeps fountaining out of his mouth. Eventually you shrink your dick just enough for his pathetically battered body to slip off and splat in a pool of cum.

The man is a vegetable it would seem. Still viable for an incubator, but hardly as fun.

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