,,Vanya killed him." Luther sighed.

,,But Vanya wouldn't--"

,,No, I saw it. Just before we got out."

,,Mom. Now Pogo." Diego gasped and sat down.

,,Guys!" We heard Five.

,,This is it. The apocalypse is still on. The world ends today."

,,You don't say." I replied to him. ,,I think I owe you one big fat 'I told you so'. Enjoy."

,,Yes, yes. I'm sorry. I was wrong. I should have listened to you. But now we have bigger problem."

,,I thought you said it was over." Luther said.

,,I said I was wrong. This newspaper, I found it in the future the day I got stuck. The headline hasn't changed."

,,No, that doesn't mean anything. The time could've been altered since that newspaper came out this morning."

,,You're not listening to me. When I found it, I assumed this place came down along with everything else. But here we are. The Moon's still shining, the Earth is in one piece, but not the Academy."

,,I'm confused." Klaus snatched the newspaper out of Five's hands.

,,Then listen to me, you idiot!"

,,It's because Vanya destroyes the Academy...before the apocalypse." I spoke up and everyone looked at me. Five nodded because that was exactly what he had in mind. But the others looked confused, so I continued.

,,Because Harold Jenkins wasn't the cause, but he was the fuse. Vanya is the bomb."

,,Vanya causes the apocalypse." Five finished.

,,We have to find her." Luther said quietly.
A helicopter flew over our heads and sirens could be heard in the distance.

,,We gotta go, now." Diego said.

,,Regroup at the Super Star. Go!" Luther shouted before we all ran off in a different direction.


,,Look, I hate to be the one to say this, bit everyone needs to prepare." Luther spoke first. We were sitting here for a while but we were all quiet. It was pretty crowded here today.

,,For what?" Diego asked.

,,To do whatever it takes to stop Vanya."
Luther replied. Allison punched him and I snorted.

,,We may not have a choice, Allison."

,,Bullshit. There's always options." Diego said.

,,Yeah, like what?" Five asked.

,,I don't know."

,,Look, whatever we decide, we need to find Vanya. And fast, okay? She could be anywhere." Luther said.

,,Or..here.." Klaus replied. He was reading a newspaper from Five and found an article about her concert. He showed all of us.

,,That's right. Her concert is tonight."

,,Hello." Some girl interrupted us. Considering the clothes she was wearing, she worked here. ,,I hate to intrude, but my manager says if you're not gonna bowl, you gotta leave." She said a left.

,,Whose turn is it?" Diego asked.

,,Oh, for.." Luther took the bowling ball and threw it into the lane. I hid my face in my hands in embarrassment.

Allison wrote another note on a piece of paper and showed it to Luther.

'She's our sister'

,,We're the only ones capable of stopping this."

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