Chapter 53 : You First!

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The air was dry, and the heat was rising up in the room, much like the tension in the faces of the many.

Guards were allowed access to accompany their masters into the venue, which was different than the last time.

Still, that alone was far from quelling the budding doubt that gripped the nobles' crooked hearts.

Not one or two, but three Master Magicians had manned the vanguard.

Their message was clear. Whatever threat that may come, those people would be there to handle it.

Frankly, it didn't matter...Their arrogance was making it all the more easier for us to blend in.

Chaos was at hand, and we relished in it.

So foolish. They didn't even realize the one who would hunt them had been here all along.

Would three Master Magicians matter? No, they won't.

Even I couldn't guess the true extent of Milord's power at this point. Maybe he was fast approaching the level at which Rygor Von Dawson was standing in, or maybe he was already there.

It was hard to say...

"Sold to the Madam over there on the left!" Cheers and booing mixed in among the excited bidders.

Slave after slave came and went, and along the trail of time, despair would follow each of them closely. But few showed an expectant reaction, as if a kindle of hope was burning deep within their beaten gaze.

They were expecting Milord...The savior.

If even the slaves could hear about us, that meant the word had spread far and wide all across the Kingdom.

"They are not here, as you said."

"Yes, Milord. I believe all the prominent nobles are using proxies to bid in today's event. They might be hiding in fear after hearing about what happened to Gragas's slave house."

Everything became easy whenever Milord was involved.

His might aside, things such as infiltrating auctions like this have become a joke. With nothing but a short word, the world would be bent to his will.

We were standing in the dead center of the venue, wearing our trademark robes and masks, but none could perceive us. Not even the glorified three Magicians. What buffoons...

Everyone knew what he looked like.

Yet, there was not a single soul out here that could see through Milord's magic. They couldn't even comprehend anything when we were talking about our plan right beside them.

Pulses of mana waves coming from artifacts they brought were working as they should, scanning the venue, but even that seemed like a mere toy in Milord's eyes.

"How many Shadows did you bring, Assassin?" Started Milord.

"Thirty, Milord."

"And the Elites?"

"Seven, Milord."

"Hm...Aren't there too many of them?"

'Those inbred Shadows begging me to tag along. Because of them, I have made Milord disappointed!' I was furious, but showing it to Milord would be disgraceful.

"Apologies, Milord. They requested vehemently to be able to partake in the excursion."

"And the reason you allowed them was?"

My heart beat jubilantly when I sensed the curiousity in Milord's tone. At least, it was far better than disappointment.

"I fear their skill might rust." Thus, I answered truthfully.

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