Chapter 14 : Dawson's Lion And Lioness

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The breeze was nice. The weather was great! And the training's been going marvelous.

There were more and more things I could do now. I've been trying this and that, and my blessing of danger rang far less nowadays. It was good, in other words.

I was now seven years old, and my plan was starting to take shape. But we'd get on to that more later.

For now, let's talk more about the recent state of my family. As I've mentioned before, Maya was pregnant, and she gave birth to a supposedly healthy baby boy, Adam Von Dawson. I say supposedly because I haven't seen him yet.

From the way George and Maya acted so far, I, for sure, thought that they would bring the baby into my room sooner than later. But I missed something, and that was the mana state of the newborn was not completely stable yet. There might be complications later on if the baby were to be exposed to a place where there was constant mana turmoil.

In this bedroom.

I didn't know for sure, but maybe due to the constant use of word magic, the mana in my room has always been in disarray. Renata told me that it was a completely rare phenomenon, especially considering the cause was coming from a child.

That's why I totally understand why I haven't met Adam yet. And also tied to that, I haven't seen Maya much these days. Well, she needed to breastfeed the baby and all, I figured.

Alyson was also torn because she had completely fallen head over heels for the baby, but on the other hand, she was feeling guilty about leaving me behind. At first, I tried to express that it'd be okay if she spent more time with the baby. But it turned out to be counterproductive instead, and she felt more guilty instead, wanting to look after me and all.

This whole family thing was hard, I tell you. I was as clueless now as I was when this whole thing began...

Left with no clue, I decided to leave Alyson to her own devices. At least that way she wouldn't be tiptoeing around me anymore.

"Young master," Called Byron, entering the room. "The Master wishes to inform you that the former head and his wife will be visiting you in this chamber."

'Um...Okay, I guess?' I cast a questioning look at Renata and nod in reply for now.

If it was the former head and his wife, then that meant they were my Grandparents. I didn't actually get why my father needed to tell me beforehand about their arrival. I mean, it's cool, even if they just show up out of the blue. I have no problem with that.

I also doubt that the two elders were dangerous people. In the first place, I believed George was the kind of person who wouldn't let someone near me if they were going to be a problem.

That's why I didn't get why he sent Byron to tell me this. Was this some kind of aristocratic formality thing that I don't get? Maybe it was and since it would be a waste of time if I kept guessing this and that, I decided to ignore it altogether. Sooner or later, I would get my answer anyway.

Seeing that Byron was still standing near the door after saying his piece, I figured they were almost here already.

And lo and behold, I was right.

The door sprung open, wide as it could stretch, and two figures, side by side, entered the room with elegance yet powerful gaits. The man was wearing a large formal suit that really did his massive body justice, while the woman had a grey Victorian dress completed with a sapphire blue jewel on the neck that matched wonderfully with the color of her eyes.

The elderly man had lush blond hair with hints of white, contrary to his aging look. It flowed neatly to his back, accentuating the stern and fierce look that hugged the man's mug stubbornly.

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