Barbara: "You okay Mason? You've been staring at her for a minute now."

Mason: "Peachy. C'mon we got class. That means you too Freshman."

Barbara says nothing as she walks away, the taller boy pats his back before following. Dick glances at his cellphone once more before following after them.

Mount Justice; September 22nd, 18:43 EDT

Inside the Cave, M'gann's ship is docked on a platform above the small waterscape. While M'gann and Conner kiss in front of the hallway to the rest of the cave. Sphere whirs as it rolls into view. Disrupting them. M'gann chuckled.

M'gann: "Someone's jealous."

Conner: "Maybe."

He admits, looking down at Sphere.

Conner: "Or maybe-"

Wally: "Hey guys!"

Wally's voice calls, heading up the stairs with an overstuffed sandwich in his hand.

Wally: "You two sure spend a lot of time working on his bike. Obviously, you need the Wall-man's expert help."

Conner and M'gann share a look and small smile before patting Sphere thankfully. Red Tornado and Aqualad are in the Training Center of the Cave.

Red Tornado: "So, you or Red Robin have told no one else of this Mole?"

Kaldur: "We cannot be sure one exists. And if it does, if the Team is being betrayed from within, we both must investigate without... tipping my hand."

Kaldur, as contemplative as always, still looks to Red Tornado.

Kaldur: "But perhaps me and Red Robin should tell Batman?"

Red Tornado: "Generally, the Batman expects the Team to handle its own problems, but the decision is yours and Red Robin's."

Red remains a mediator, nothing more.

Red Tornado: "I will return after Monitor Duty on the Watchtower."

Kaldur: "I thought you were exempt from monitor duty since becoming our... den mother."

Kaldur says, confused, as Red Tornado types in his Zeta Code and powers up the first tube.


Red Tornado; 1-6

Red Tornado turns back to Aqualad.

Red Tornado: "I agreed to cover for Green Arrow. He has an interpersonal event with Black Canary. A "hot date"."

Kaldur ignores Green Arrow's bad habit and contemplates his dilemma further. Artemis makes her way down an alley in Gotham under the cover of night, already in her costume, to an Out of Order phone booth.

Robin: "Artemis?"

Robin asks, startling the blonde. She jumps in her skin, gasping. "Robin! Red Robin! I uh..."

She tries to come up with a good excuse.

Robin: "How random that you're in Gotham City, instead of Star City where your Uncle, Green Arrow, lives?"

Robin taints as if he knows something.

Artemis: "I'm-uh, here to see my cousin. She was in the state spelling bee. Here... In Gotham... City."

She stumbles over the faulty lie.

Mason: "C-O-O-L. Did she W-I-N?"

Red asks, purposefully spelling out the words. Artemis is back with her usual confidence and looks annoyed at the boy.

Young Justice: NomadDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora