"Should we get something for the other three too?" I asked, bustling with excitement as we observed the colorful array of dishes being cooked before our eyes. Cal nodded eagerly, already scanning the stalls for the perfect spicy Italian food to bring back as a treat. We carefully selected a variety of dishes, from fiery arrabbiata pasta to crispy arancini balls, knowing that the combination of bold flavors would surely fill us up. Laden with mouthwatering bags of food, we returned to the car with satisfied grins.

We got into the car and immediately opened some boxes for ourselves, unable to resist the tantalizing aromas that filled the vehicle. Steam wafted out, carrying with it the rich scent of tomato sauce and melted cheese. Our taste buds tingled with anticipation as we took our first bites, savoring the explosion of flavors that danced on our tongues. The arrabbiata pasta delivered a spicy kick, while the arancini balls offered a delightful crunch followed by a creamy center.

"This is so fucking good," I cried out , my mouth full of deliciousness.

Unable to contain my joy, I started dancing in my seat, causing the car to shake slightly. The combination of the incredible food and the sheer excitement of the moment was overwhelming. Matteo and Cal joined in, laughing and clapping along to the rhythm of our impromptu celebration.

" You should have some of this." Matteo said to Cal, offering him a forkful of the mouthwatering arancini. Cal hesitated for a moment, his eyes fixed on the tantalizing dish, before finally giving in to temptation. As he took a bite, a look of pure bliss washed over his face, mirroring the sheer delight that I had experienced just moments ago.

"Give me some too!" I said eagerly , reaching out my hand towards Matteo, who gladly obliged and handed me another forkful of the delicious arancini. The flavors exploded in my mouth—a combination of creamy risotto, savory cheese, and the slight tang of tomato sauce. It was like a party for my taste buds, each bite bringing me closer to culinary nirvana.

"Lenna, don't spill anything on your clothes, and you too, Cal," Matteo warned with a chuckle, as if reading our minds. We nodded, our mouths still full of the delectable treat, and carefully chewed and savored every bite.

Matteo finished his food and started the engine of the car, revving it up with a low rumble. The sound of the engine was music to our ears, a symphony of power and excitement. As Matteo confidently drove us down the sunlit streets, a sense of adventure filled the air. The wind tousled his hair and highlighted his chiseled features, making him look even more striking. I couldn't help but steal glances at him, captivated by his rugged charm. He caught me staring and flashed a knowing smile, revealing his perfect set of pearly white teeth. My heart fluttered at that moment, affirming what I had been thinking all along: he was undeniably handsome.

I looked out the window, trying to hide my blushing cheeks, but the excitement bubbling inside me was impossible to conceal. The cityscape whizzed by in a blur, but my attention was solely focused on him.

Ah fuck.. I want to kiss him..

No Lenna. Remember what you promised? Don't kiss him until you prove yourself innocent.

I took a deep breath, reminding myself of the promise I had made. I couldn't let my emotions cloud my judgement, especially now when everything was at stake. The truth needed to come out, and until then, I had to remain strong and resist the urge to act on my desires. It was easier said than done, though, as his presence beside me grew increasingly magnetic. Every stolen glance and every touch of his hand only intensified the longing within me.

So to distract myself, I said something stupid.. Out loud.

"Did you know that the average person spends six months of their lifetime waiting at red traffic lights? "

Both Cal and Matteo looked at me puzzled.

" Oh, really?" Cal responded with a playful smirk. "Well, that's a lot of wasted time. But I guess it's nothing compared to the years I've spent waiting for someone as beautiful as you to notice me."

I chuckled at Cal's cheesy response.

"Smooth, Cal. But I must say, you're not doing a bad job of catching my attention."

I glanced at Matteo, who rolled his eyes playfully.

" Looks like Cal isn't the only one trying to catch my attention," I said teasingly. "Matteo, are you planning on coming up with a cheesy pickup line too?" 

Matteo smirked as he turned the steering wheel, keeping his eyes focused on the road ahead.

"I don't need a pickup line since every moment I spend with you feels like a green light in my life."

Oh, fuck, that was good. I couldn't help but burst into laughter at Matteo's unexpected response. His cheesy pickup line had caught me off guard, and I found myself blushing at his words.

"Show off," Cal muttered under his breath from the backseat. 

Matteo chuckled and glanced at me, his eyes twinkling with amusement. I couldn't resist the urge to playfully blow him a secret kiss, my hand covering my lips as I glanced at Cal in the rearview mirror, hoping he didn't catch on to our little flirtatious exchange. Matteo bit his lips in an attempt to suppress his laughter, but I could see the mischievous sparkle in his eyes.

As we continued driving down the road, I couldn't help but feel a warm glow inside, knowing that I had just shared a playful and intimate moment with Matteo. I had caught his attention successfully.

 I had caught his attention successfully

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