"I'll always be here for you..."

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Indiana James POV:

Despite everything I have ever said, it felt as though I was falling in love with Guy. What did that even feel like? Everything made sense with him.

He understood me in ways no one ever could. He understood my entire life story. He knew how much it hurt when my mom left, and he knew how much I was struggling to come to terms with
My dads new relationship.

He never made me feel like I was too much. He never made me feel like I was being too dramatic. He was always right there to pick me back up when I fell down.

The next morning we were woken up by Bombay coming into our dorms and telling us to get ready.

"This isn't another early morning practice, is it?" I asked while flipping over onto my back.

"No, it's not. I promise. Just get dressed and meet me downstairs." I sluggishly got out of my bed and to my suitcase, that I had yet to unpack, and began to rummage through it to find my tracksuit. I decided to just wear the team USA hoodie and some jeans.

I walked out of my dorm where everyone was rushing around to find their clothes.

"Those are mine!" I heard Jesse yell.

"How can ya tell?" Averman asked. "They all look the same!"

"It has my name on it you putz!" Jesse snatched his jacket from Averman and stomped away.

"And I thought women were dramatic." Averman rolled his eyes as he sat down on the coach. I turned to him and gave him a glare. "I mean.. I- not you of course, I'm just, I. I gotta go!" He jumped up and ran into his room. I rolled my eyes at him as I went to the bathroom to do my hair.

"Who moved my straightener?!" I called out. No answer. "Who. Moved. My. Straighter?"

Guy then appeared in front of the door. "Keep your hair like that." He suggested.

"Uh, no thank you. I want my hair to be straight." I argued. 

"Why? I like your wavy hair." He shrugged. I looked in the mirror and smoothed our the frizz at the top of my head.

"I mean..I guess this is okay.." I looked at myself as I ran my fingers through my wavy mess.

"See? Looks good, right?" Guy asked.

"I guess so.." I smiled to myself as I fluffed my hair a bit.

We finished getting ready and went downstairs, where we were met by coach, tibbles and Ms. MaKay. We followed them to the park across the street and we were directed to sit on some bleachers.

"I've had a lot of big distractions since I've been in LA... This is a distraction." He held up a cardboard cut out of himself that I assumed was gifted to him by Hendrix hockey apparel.

"Nice haircuts coach" Someone teased.

"This is a fire in a barrel." He pointed to a barrel that he had just thrown a match in, then proceeded to stick his cardboard body into the fire " This is a distraction in a fire in a barrel. Any questions?"

Everyone clapped and whooped for coach. Well, everyone except for me. I was still holding a grudge against him. I mean, he ruined my shot. This could possibly be the biggest shot I would ever get and he totally tarnished it

I hated being so hostile, but every time I thought about the fact that I possibly couldn't play against Iceland, fury washed over my whole body. Hockey was everything to me. Hockey was the one thing that actually stayed consistent in my life, and it was like even that was slipping away from me.

Not to be cocky, but I'm good. Like, really good. I had a real shot and I couldn't help but feel like I was back to being a nothing. Just a girl who's easily forgotten. Not only by her friends, but even by her coach and her own mother.

"Hey." I heard from behind me. I turned to see Adam standing behind me.

"Oh, hey. What's up?" I asked.

"Wanna head to the pier for a little bit? Just us? We haven't really talked much since being in LA." I smiled at him. He was right. We hadn't been talking much. I was so caught up with Guy that I didn't really think to give him much of my time.

"Yeah, of course." We walked to the pier and walked up and down the board walk.

"So, anything new with you and you know who?" He raised an eyebrow at me as my face slowly turned red.

"Well, I mean, we've kissed, and held hands. Yknow. What about you and blondie?" I nudged his shoulder as he was now the one turning red.

"Di, I really really like her. I mean, she's amazing. And we may have kissed a few times. I think I'm gonna ask her out." He voiced quietly. My eyes lit up and I couldn't help but smiles.

"Aw! I'm so happy for you! And you should totally ask her out. You two are perfect." He gave me a shy smile as his face just kept getting redder.

We walked a littler further down the pier and just kept talking. It was nice.

"Did I tell you that, uhm, my dads been seeing someone?" I asked quietly.

"Really?" He asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, some lady from work, Lori." I sighed to myself as I rubbed up and down my arm.

"Oh, you don't seem really happy about that.." He noted.

"Yeah...I mean, I want him to be happy. Hell, he deserves it more than anyone, but it's just hard. I'm sure you already know, but, I don't like change, probably because that's all my life does. Change.." I looked down at my shoes as we kept walking.

"Yeah, I know it must be hard. At least one thing won't ever change." He looked down at me.

"Oh, yeah? And what's that?" I asked curiously.

"I'll always be here for you. That won't ever change." I bit my lip and looked up at him. I felt a wave of peace wash over me. He was right. Adam has always been there for me.

He's always stayed. Through all my bad days, he stayed. Through all my attitude, he stayed. And even when I tried to push him away, because that's what I always do when I really care about someone, he stayed.

I didn't deserve a best friend as good as Adam. The bond we share is just so special. So unbreakable. So reassuring.

I was so happy to have someone like him in my life. A best friend is so important in a teenage girls life, and to be frank, he is one of the most important things in my life. For now and always.

ADAM APPRECIATION 🩷 I hope you guys were able to pick up on the platonic-ness of their relationship. This is not a romantic friendship obvi.

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