"You owe me 10$."

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*I sense some confusion may arise during this chapter, but allow me to inform you, that campfire scene that you see at the end of the movie during the credits,was actually supposed to take place just before they left for LA, hence the reason Russ wasn't in it*

Indiana James POV:

"There they are!" Coach announced. We smiled at the most of the team that was already there.

"Told ya! You owe me 10$." Jesse demanded from Fulton.

"10$ for what? Y'all make a bet?" Dwayne asked.

"Yeah, I said to Fulton, I bet you 10 bucks that Guy and Indiana show up together. And they did." He announced as he pretended to do a mic drop.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Fulton rolled his eye.

"Who are we waiting for?" I asked.

"I think we're waiting for Miss MacKay, Luis and Kenny." Coach said.

We sat on a few logs and started roasting marshmallows as we waited for everyone to arrive. If anyone knows me, I can never leave good enough alone, especially when it comes to s'mores. I grabbed my bag from the side of me and pulled out some Reece's peanut butter cups.

"Indie, what are you doing with Reece's?" Charlie asked.

"You've never had a Reece's s'more?" I asked in disbelief. Everyone looked around and shook their heads. "Oh my gosh. You all can't be serious! Ok here everyone take one." I handed the bag to Connie, who was next to me, and told her to take one and pass it.

Everyone took one and roasted another marshmallow to try my suggestion, well not everyone, Charlie didn't because he's allergic to nuts. Any and all nuts. At Hans shop he had eaten a cookie that he didn't know had macadamia nuts in it, and his face blew up completely. It was a good thing he had his epipen with him. ( a/n:plz tell me y'all understand this reference!!)

Everyone assembled their s'mores and I counted down from three for everyone to take the first bite. "3...2...1!"

The team bit into them at the same time, and I heard various reactions. All positive.

"You, my friend, are a genius!" Averman chanted.

"How did you think of something like that?" Dean asked.

"My mom. She always made everything with peanut butter. Hot chocolate, coffee,cookies, you name it." I said.

"Steak?" Goldberg asks. I gave him a look. "What you said "you name it"." He defended.

"Yeah, I meant something sensible." I said in a duh manner.

"Whatever. I'm making another one. Pass me another Reece's." I passed him one and he started to roast his marshmallow. He took it out of the fire and it was flaming. He tried to blow it out but it wouldn't go out. "Help me! Help me!"

"What are you doing?! You're not supposed to light it on fire!" Charlie yelled as he stopped it into the ground and poured water on it.

Dwayne had a guitar and started strumming a few chords. I knew right after the first few Am and Em chords I knew what song it was. We are the champions, from Queens News of the worlds albums. I guess Guy knew that chords too because he looked at me when he started playing.

I knew why he was looking at me. It's like he thought I was gonna snap. I wasn't.

My mom loved Queen, and so do I. Yeah, I'll admit, it stung a little, but I wasn't gonna let my absent mother ruin such an icon song for me. So, instead of sulking, I was the first one to join in with Averman when he started to sing.

Soon enough the whole team was singing together. I grabbed my hairbrush from my bag and used it as a microphone. As we sang I placed the "mic" infront of Connie for her to sing into it. Then turned to the other side and had Guy sing into it.

It was a good night. A great night, even. I was so pumped for the next day. Flying to LA, my first time on a plane, at that. Finally getting to see the dorms situation. I assumed it would be me, Connie, and Julie in a dorm since we were the only girls, but they do have us share a locker room so I'm not sure if they will even consider that.

Adam walked me home that night, he walked me to my room window and I climbed in to see an extra suitcase on my bed and hockey bag on my floor.

"What the.." I said to myself quietly. I scratched the back of my neck.

"Mind if I stay the night?" I turned around to see Adam.

"Yeah, that's fine." I told him. He climbed in and closed the window.

"Have you packed?" He asked.

"No..." I replied hesitantly. "Not all the way."

"What have you packed?" He asked while opening my suitcase. "It's empty."

"Yeah..uhm, I kinda packed." I reasoned.

"Kinda? There's nothing in here."

"I mean, I have all my stuff but just haven't put it in the suitcase." I answered while pointing to basket of folded clothes. I picked up piles at a time and threw them into my suitcase. Along with some bathing suits.

I moved onto my carry on bag and packed that full of conditioner and shampoo, my wallet, my toiletries, my ADHD medicine, my hairbrush, my sandals, my hair-ties,journal, my Walkman, and finally my perfume.

I finally moved onto my hockey stuff. I had my own separate suitcase for that. I packed my pads, my jerseys, and my skates, then I put my stick it a protective case that we were all mandated to have in order to fly.

Finally, after packing everything at the last minute, I was done. I went to zip my hockey suit case and it closed easily, my clothing suitcase on the other hand didn't close so easily.

"Adam, help me!" I demanded. He walked over and tried to zip it, but it didn't budge.

"Sit on it." He told me. I sat in the suitcase and he was able to zip it instantly.

"Ah! Success!" I yelled. "Sooo Adam, I couldn't help but notice that you were staring a little bit tonight." I teased.

"What? What'd you mean." He asked nervously.

"I saw you looking at Miss.Julie." I replied. He bit down on his nails.

"You did?" He asked quietly.

"Yes, sir. You think she's cute?" I asked. His face turned pink. "Awww, Banksie! You have a crush." I gawked.

"She's really pretty." He mentioned. "You don't think she saw me looking, do you?"

"I don't think so. I could only notice because I'm your best friend." I reassured him that she didn't notice, even though I had no idea If she knew. Better to ease his mind I suppose.

We had to be up at 3:00 in the morning we had to meet the team at the airport at 4:00, and the plane was scheduled to leave at 5:30. Coach is a control freak so he wanted us there earlier just incase. I had never been to an airport let alone on an actual plane, so I was a little nervous going into all this. Even more so when Adam said I might be sat next to a total stranger. That was NOT okay with me.

Evermore| Guy Germaine- The mighty ducksWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt