"You cant leave!"

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Guy Germaine POV:

The next morning I woke up to the alarm clock blaring and looked to the side to see Indie latched onto my arm. I smiled to myself. I never thought I'd admit this but, I was falling for her. And I was falling fast. But the more I thought of it, maybe I wasnt falling for her. Maybe I had already fallen years ago and just never known. I mean, I always knew we had something special, but never did the thought of love cross my mind. Till then, that is.

I noticed her breathing was labored, and it seemed as if she was struggling to breath and I wondered if it had anything to do with the pain she was talking about the day before.

I gently shook her awake and she slowly opened her eyes and looked around and yawned, but then winced.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I'm good. It's just my chest. I'm probably just a little sore from yesterday. I took some nasty hits." She said while getting up. "We should get ready for practice."

She walked over to her room and brushed her hair back into a ponytail and washed her face. It was only 5:15 AM. Everyone slugged around the dorm room while getting ready for practice at 6AM.

I kept a close eye on Indie and noticed she wasn't herself. She kept grabbing her chest when she inhaled and wincing when exhaling. I tried to ask her about it once more but she brushed me off and told me not to worry.

After getting ready for practice we all made our way down to the rink where coach was waiting.

"Alright team, let's get moving! Get those pads on!" We all walked by him and into the locker room. We got our pads on and made it on the ice. "Ok start with 20 sprints! Go!" He blew the whistle and I rolled my eyes and I began to do my sprints.

At the end of the sprints he ordered us to get with a partner to do some passing drills.

I got with Jesse and saw Adam skate over to Indie who was bent over with her hands on her knees, breathing heavily.

"James! Banks! What's the hold up?" Coach called out. 

"She can't brea-" Indie cut him off and called back to coach.

"Sorry coach!" She straightened back up and did the passing drills.

After we did some defense and offense drills he called for a scrimmage.

About halfway through the scrimmage, Indie had gotten the puck and had raced down the ice towards the goal that Goldberg was defending.

As she skated closer Averman had lost his balance and knocked her over as she made the shot. The shot went in but she went sliding right into the boards.

She was down and didn't seem to be getting up.

"James! Get back in position." He demanded. I was fuming. He was being so inconsiderate and was being stupid harsh .

I saw her struggle to get up and grab onto the side of the boards and haul herself up. She skated over to her position but I could tell she wasn't okay.

The practice ended but I overheard coach asking Indie to stay back so he could talk to her. Me, being the nosy son of a bitch that I am, I decided to hang back and listen to what he had to say.

"Indiana, do you even wanna be here?"He asked her.

"I- of course I do." She told him.

"Then why aren't you acting like it?"

"What is that supposed to mean?" She asked, offended.

"It means that you weren't giving it your all today or for the majority of the game yesterday." I heard her sigh out of frustration.

"I'm really trying, coach. It's just..I'm just not feeling the best today, but I really was trying." She sounded like she was about to cry.

"Indie, you're usually one of the best, but as of right now,it feels like your giving up on the team." He told her. How could he say that? Indie loved this team more than anything. "And I have no interest in coaching someone who isn't putting in as much as everyone else."

"I'm not giving up on the team! I love the team. I can't believe you could ever say that to me! I'm trying my best! Maybe it's you who's giving up on the team!" She huffed and skated off the ice as Bombay yelled to her to come back. She stomped off and into the locker room. I silently follow the back in and she made her way to her locker.

I heard her sniffling and saw Adam and Charlie go up to her.

"What happened?" Adam asked.

"He told me that he had no interest in coaching me since I'm 'giving up' on the team." She told
them while shoving stuff into her hockey bag.

"That's insane. He's not himself." Charlie said.

"Yeah, clearly." She scoffed. "I'm just done. I'll make it easier on him. I'm out!" She grabbed her stuff and threw her practice jersey on the floor as she walked out of the locker room.

"Where's she going?" Dean asked.

"I think she's going home.." Charlie said. Everyone on the team started going on about how crazy that was. I ran out after her to try to convince her to stay.

"Hey! Indiana, where do you think you're going?" Coach asked while approaching her.

"Home. Sorry coaching me has been soo miserable, so I'll just leave to make it more manageable." She huffed away and I ran after her.

"Indie! Wait up!" I ran up the stairs to catch up with her.

"What?!" She asked with tears in her eyes.

"You can't leave!" I told her.

"Yes I can. And I'm going to. Nothing you say will make me change my mind." She argued.

"Indie. You cant. You just can't." I begged.

"Guy, I'm sorry, but I can't do this anymore. This is the last thing I need right now!" She ran off and locked herself in her dorm and wouldn't come out.

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