"Go away."

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A/n: buckle up for this one y'all!
iloveromancesmbro I am especially excited for you to read this one.

Indiana James POV:
I tried to call home to get my dad to book me a flight back to Minnesota but he didn't answer. I frantically looked for my notebook of important phone numbers to find my dad work number.

When I found it I dialled the numbers and let it ring. A voice answered with a soft "hello?"

"Hi, this is Indiana James," I started.

"Oh! Hi, Indiana! It's Amy!" I knew Amy I had met her a few times. She was the secretary for the station.

"Is my dad there by any chance?" I asked nervously.

"No, sorry honey, he's on vacation this week." I sighed.

"Really? Do you know where or with who?" I asked in between sniffles.

"I'm sorry, I don't know where, but I believe he's with Lori." I exhaled and bit my lip.

"Oh...okay. Thanks anyway. Bye." I hung up the phone curled up into a ball on the floor of my dorm. I started to cry. I just wanted to go home. I wanted my dad. Everything in my life was falling apart. My dad was on vacation with Lori and I was stranded in California.

I didn't like change. I didn't like my coach hating me, and I didn't like having to share my dad with someone else.

I eventually moved from the floor to my bed and continued to sob. I was so mentally and physically tired. Everything sucked and there was nothing I could do about it.

As I cried I heard a soft knock on the door.

"Go away." I answered quietly.

"But, I brought chocolate." I looked up to see Guy poking his head into the room.

"Oh, it's you." I said relieved. "You can come in."

He smiled at me and made his way into the room and then onto the bed next to me.

"You okay?" He asked. I just shrugged.

"I guess." I sighed. "My life just sucks right now."

"You're not really gonna go home, are you?" He asked.

"I don't really have a choice. My dad is on vacation with..Lori." I told him. I pulled myself up and leaned against the headboard. "Everything is falling apart right now.."

Guy leaned over and hugged me and I instantly melted into his arms. I felt so safe, so comforted. I wanted to stay like that forever. He pulled away after a few minutes of silence and said "For what's it's worth. I really think you should stay. I don't think I'd survive without you here.."

I looked at him and smiled. "And I don't think I'd survive if I was back home without you."

He looked at me and smiled. The most beautiful smile I'd ever seen. He was just so...unreal. He had the most beautiful blue eyes and the cutest red cheeks. I was completely hypnotised by him. He was perfect. Not just physically. He was perfect inside and out. Not a single flaw within him.

I didn't even realise it at the time but, I suppose we were moving closer to each other. We were inches away from each other faces. So close that we could feel each other's breath on our faces. He lifted a hand and placed it on my cheek, and I placed my hand behind his head. I tilted my head to the right and he tilted his to the left, and before I knew it our lips crashed into each other.
The kiss wasn't slutty and it wasn't dirty. It was gentle and intimate. It wasn't heated, but it felt electric. If that even makes sense.

After about 5 seconds we pulled back and looked away.

"I'm sorry." I blurted out.

"I'm not." He replied softly. I felt my cheeks heat up and I just couldn't help myself from smiling. I threw my hands over my face to cover up my smile. "Don't do that." He said while pulling my hands away from my face.


"Why would you wanna cover up your smile? It's beautiful." My entire face had to be red at that point. Never in my life would I have ever thought that Guy and I ever kiss, but, if I'm being honest, I don't regret it. Not at all

"Can I tell you something?" I asked.

"Yeah. Anything."

"That was my first kiss." I answered hesitantly.

"You're lying." He said in disbelief. I shook my head. " I was your first kiss?"

"Yeah.. but, I'm happy it was you." He smiled at me and pulled me in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around him and he pulled me to lay down.

I stayed there with my arms wrapped around him and his wrapped around me.

Maybe staying wouldn't be the worst idea.

The only downside to kissing Guy was I didn't know what that meant. Did that mean we were dating? Was he doing it just to be nice? I really didn't know. And I was too scared to ask, because what if it didn't mean anything to him. Maybe I was just over thinking the whole thing.

It was so surreal. But it was so great too. Never would have imagined my first kiss to go like that, but I certainly was not disappointed. I was so torn about what to do. I wanted to just blurt out all my feelings but I was so, so scared. Isn't the guy supposed to make the first move anyway? What was taking so long.

I guess I had fallen asleep because the next thing I remembered was Guy shaking me awake and telling me we had to get ready for school.

"I'm not going to school." I said while turning over into my side.

"You won't be allowed to play then." He told me.

"So? What's the point? Coach doesn't even want me on the team anyway." I scoffed.

"He's just being a jerk. Besides, everyone else wants you on the team. Come on." He pried. I groaned loudly.


The next week coach had us up at 5 every morning for practice and had us back at the rinks right after classes to practice some more and then back on the ice at night till 10, sometimes 11. There was no time for resting.

Coach was being especially hard on me. It was insane. I was still in so much pain. I didn't know what it was. I ruled out  heart attack, so I figured it was a cracked rib.

One day, it was a Friday, everyone was so exhausted that we were all struggling to keep our eyes open. I was completely out. And when I say I was out, I mean there was no waking me up.

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