"Ok, if someone licks me, I'm out."

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Indiana James POV:

The next day we had practice again. Coach said it was for "team bonding".

"Alright team. I want you to stand together right here." We all stood in a bunched up group. "Closer." We all inched closer till we were touching one another. Coach took a rope and tied us up.

"Stop touching me!" I yelled at Adam.

"How?!" He yelled back. "I can't go anywhere."

"This is more crowded than a truckload of goats." The southern boy said.

"Yeah..What he said." I agreed.

"Somebody better watch their hands." Julie warned.

"Yeah, hands to yourselves, pervs." I called out.

"Ew, someone licked me!" Averman screamed.

"Ok, if someone licks me, I'm out." Jesse warned.

"Ugh. I smell something." We all knew what that meant. I covers my nose and gagged.

"Goldberg!" We all accused.

"It wasn't me." He countered in a calm voice. You could tell when he was lying. And when he was calm, he was not lying.

"No. It was me!" Dean owned. We all groaned.

"I don't know how to make this any clearer. You are a team. And to win this thing, you have to work as one. Now as one, skate." Coach ordered.

We all tried to skate, and inevitably, we all fell.

"Everyone goes their own way, everyone falls down. Again!" We got up and tried again.

"All right, all of you move to your right, now!" Dean demanded.

"Who made you boss! Everyone to the left!" Fulton argued. And again, we fell down.

"You can argue all you want, but I'm not untying you until you till your move as one." Coach explained.

The two boys argued and fought for dominance about three more times before I got fed up.

"Why should anyone listen to you?" Fulton argued.

"Because they should. Now move!" Dean shot back.

"Ok! Ok!" I shouted. "Both of you shut the hell up! We're getting nowhere with you two arguing. Now guys, on 3, skate forward.

"Damn. Ok, hothead." Dean remarked.

"1...2...3." On my count everyone skates forward and we didn't fall down. I'm not one to take leadership but I'll sure take credit for this one.

After a while of working on team bonding, Bombay had let us have a little fun.

"Rancher Dwayne." He called out.

"Yes, sir." He replied.

"Round me up some stray cattle here." He ordered as he handed the rope to him.

"My pleasure!"

We all stood up and began to skate away from him. He was swinging the rope around and throwing it around people.

At the end it was just Averman and I.

Dwayne was chasing after me and Averman hid behind me. Dwayne swung the lasso above his head and threw it.

I ducked at the last second and skated forward to avoid getting caught.

"Ok, the winner is..Indiana!" Coach called out I  stood up from my ducked down position and did a little victory dance.

I  soon fell down after losing my  balance.


Everyone turned around to see the me flat on the ice.

"I'm okay!" I reassured.

Averman skated over to me "Are you sure?" He asked with goofy smile on his face.

"No, that hurt my head." I replied while rubbing the back of my head.

The night before we had to get on the play to LA, the team decided to have a campfire. I walked down stairs and to my surprise my dad was home.

"Hey dad!" I ran over to him and hugged him.

"Hey, kiddo! You all packed for tomorrow?" He asked.

"Yep!" I replied happily, event though I was lying . "Dad..are you sure you're gonna be okay alone? I feel bad."

"Yes I'm sure. And I'm not going to be alone." He reassured.

"What'd you mean?" I asked confused.

"I've been meaning to talk to you about this, have a seat." I say at the table across from him. "I've actually been seeing someone." My eyes widened.

"Oh! Really?" I asked, trying to sound enthused. He nodded. "For, uhm, for how long?"

"Well, I've known her for years, from work, but we just made it offical about 5 months ago." I swallowed hard.

"What's her name?" I asked.

"You've met her before, you remember Lori, right?" He asked. Lori was a long time family friend of ours. My moms best friend, actually, who was the one who got my parents together in the first place.I liked her fine, but it still felt weird.

"Oh, yeah, I remember. How long have you..liked her?" I asked, not knowing if the word "like" still resonated with adults when referring to relationships.

"Well, for about a year and a half, but we wanted to wait till you were a little older to start something serious." He explained "Now, I know this is a-lot to take in, so I don't expect you to act like it's normal. Do you have any questions?"

I thought for a second.

"Do you wanna marry her?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yes. I think I do." He answered happily. "That's actually another thing I wanted to talk to you about. What do you think about me asking her to marry me?" I bit my lip.

"What about mom?" I asked.

"What'd you mean 'what about mom?'?" He asked.

"What if...what if she comes back?" Now, I knew she wasn't going to, but sometimes I get a little too in my own head and start to think about it.

"Indiana, you do know she's not coming back, right?" He asked gently, as if he didn't know why would make me break.

"Yeah, I know, I was just.. forget it. I think if you wanna marry her, you should. You deserve to be happy." I bluffed. He did deserve to be happy but I wasn't completely on board with him getting re-married. " I'm gonna be late for the campfire. Bye dad!" I gave him a kiss on the cheek and headed out the door.

I wasn't gonna be late. It was only 6:00. It stayed at 7:30.

I decided to walk to Guys house. I was gonna go to Adams but I knew he was with Charlie, and I would go to Charlie's, but he's dealing with a similar situation, so I didn't wanna burden him with my problems.

I walked to his door and knocked. Anna opened the door.

"Hi, honey! Come on in!" She opened the door so I could walk in.

"Hey, is Guy home?" I asked.

"Yeah, he's in his room packing. Why don't you head on up." She suggested.

"Thanks." I smiled at her and head up to his room. I knocked on his door, just so I wouldn't walk in on anything.

"Who is it?" He called out.

"It's Indiana." I replied. I heard him walk to the door and unlock it.

"Hey, Indie." He smiled. "What're you doing here?"

"Nothin'. I was just bored Y'know?" I answered.

"Don't lie to me, what's wrong?" He asked. I sighed, then laid on his bed.

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