"She held my hand!"

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Guy Germain POV

She held my hand! Indie held my hand! I felt my face heat up, but I tried to play it cool.

We walked back to the dorms and walked into the lobby. We saw Goldberg, and Jesse running away from Dean, who was chasing them. Unfortunately Indie got caught in the crossfires when Dean  ran full speed and knocked her over. She fell on her chest and I heard her let out a cry. She rolled onto her back and wrapped her arms around her chest.

I saw her holding back tears but she winced every time she took a breath in.

"Indie, are you okay?" I kneeled down next to her and slipped my hand under her head as she writhed around in pain.

"It hurts!" She cried. I didn't know what to do. Indie had been complaining about being in pain since the Iceland game, but everytime I asked her about it she just told me she was sore.

"What hurts? Your chest?" She nodded her head as the tears started slipping from her eyes. "Do you want me to get someone?" She nodded and cried even more.

I stood up and went to go run off to find someone.  I looked around to find someone to help. Thankfully Ms.MacKay was just packing up her stuff, so I ran over to her.

"Ms. MacKay! You gotta help Indie!" I told her. She turned to me and had a confused look on her face.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"She's in a lot of pain. She says her chest hurts, and I don't think she's breathing very well." I rambled. She nodded and told me to take her to Indie. I ran back out to the lobby where I saw a few people crowded around Indie as she cried.

I noticed Adam kneeling down next to her, looking more nervous than ever. Ms. MacKay made everyone back up so she could get to Indie.

"What's wrong Indiana? It's your chest?" She asked. All Indie could do was nod her head, but she was eventually able to choke out that it hurt to breath. "Ok, ok...umm, I'm gonna call an ambulance for you, okay?" She just kept crying.

Adam looked like he was about to cry, and I was honestly really scared. I didn't know what was wrong with her.

We all anxiously waited for the ambulance and once the paramedics came in it just became more hectic. The paramedics did an EKG to make sure she wasn't having a heart attack, and though it was every chaotic, hearing that it wasn't a heart attack really lifted a weight off my shoulders. I know it's almost impossible to have one this young but it was still a relief.

Ms.MacKay decided to go with her in the ambulance and she had said that one more person could go with her. I wanted it to be me but, when I saw Adam freaking out I knew it was probably better for him to go.

"Adam, you should go with her." I said.

"What? Are you sure?" He asked.

"You're her best friend. Just go." He smiled and nodded to me as he ran off to go with her.

I just knew it would be a long, agonising night. Not only for Indie but for me too. I was a hot mess, pacing around the dorm room waiting for Adam to call with news. I was saying silent prayers every 2 minutes. I was losing it.

Eventually, the phone rang and I booked it to the bed to answer it.

"Hello?" I answered anxiously.

"Hey, it's Adam." He replied. 

"How is she?" I asked.

"She's okay, she's got a few broken ribs and a bruised lung so she'll be here at least overnight ." I sighed. It made sense. I mean, first that giant Iceland player fell right on top of her, then Averman knocked her over, then she fell right on the  stone floor."

"Can I talk to her?" I asked.

"The doctor gave her some medicine to help her sleep, so she's out right now, but I'll have her call you when she wakes up."

"Ok, thanks man." We said our goodbyes and hung up the phone. I was relieved it wasn't anything too serious, but I knew she was gonna be torn because there was no way she was gonna be playing hockey for a while. I knew it was gonna take a toll on her because hockey is her whole life, and playing on a level like this was her dream.

All my anger was directed at coach. He had been pushing her too hard, if he just took a minute to notice she was in pain, maybe it wouldn't have gotten this bad. If he had just took a minute to realize he was being horrible, none of this would have happened.

We had a game the next day, and all I knew was Indie was not gonna be there to play. I felt horrible for her, because she had been having such a hard few weeks, between coach and her dad I knew it was weighing on her, but I knew she'd pull through. She was the strongest person I knew, and if anyone could get through something like this, it would be her.

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