"This sucks."

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Indiana James POV:

"Oh, I see what happened." Molly said while handing the paper back to me. I waited for an explanation but she didn't say anything.

"Well, are you gonna tell me?" I asked Impatiently.

"Oh, right sorry. So, your name was printed as James Indiana, so we thought you were a boy, that's why you're with the boys." She explained. I rolled my eyes while shifting my position.

"Soo, I have to dorm with the boys." I asked, hoping she'd say no.

"Not particularly, however, if we change your dorm assignment we'd have to re-assign the whole team." My mouth fell open a bit and I groaned.

"No, it's- it's fine. Don't worry about it." I theme around and went to go find my room.

There was 5 rooms. One with the girls, one with dean and Fulton, one with Dwayne,Luis,Kenny and Goldberg, one with Averman, Jesse and Guy, and one with Charlie and Adam, but the two rooms were connected so it was really one big room. The room was separated by a wall with a big opening, and when you walked through that opening you were brought to a living area, then there was another opening on the other side to get into Charlie and Adams side.

You can guess who I was rooming with. Yeah. The connected room. I wasn't too upset about it because those were my closest friends on the team, but I was still frustrated that I didn't get to dorm with the girls.

I rolled my suitcase into the room with Charlie and Adam and threw my suitcase on the bed. Both of the rooms had three beds and the only extra one was with Adam and Charlie. One bunk bed and one single.

"This sucks." I groaned.

"You hate us that much Indie?" Charlie teased.

"No, I love you guys but, let's be honest it's not any teenage girls dream to have to be roommates with 5 boys." I explained.

"Indie, that is every teenage girls dream." Charlie joked.

"Well, it's not mine." I scoffed and walked over to my cary on bag and opened it. When I did, I realized that none of the stuff inside was mine. I looked for the name tag and saw that it was Deans. I zipped it back up and went to give it to him. I walked down the hallway and knocked in the door.

"Oh, hey, Di. What's up?" Fulton greeted.

"I think me and Dean grabbed eachothers bag." I explained. Her opened the door for me to walk in and exchange it.

"Stealing my bag now, huh, hothead?" He teased.

"Yeah, sorry." We swapped bags and I walked to the door to leave. "Bye, guys."

I walked back to my room, but made a pit stop at the room with Luis, Kenny, Dwayne and Goldberg.

I knocked on the door and it was opened by Goldberg.

"Hey, Goldie." I greeted cheerily.

"Hey, what can we do for you Indiana?" He asked.

"Nothin. I'm just bored. Can I come in?" I asked.

"Nah." He replied as he closed the door in my face. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Rude.." I walked back to my room and flopped on the bed.

We had practice later that night and a game the next day, so we had most of the day to just chill.

Charlie started to ramble on about how we weren't even the ducks anymore and how it wasn't the same. I agreed. It didn't bother me as much as him, but it still felt different.

The next day was our first game. It was against Trinidad. We were all getting ready in the locker room and we were all so excited. We were pumped and even more so when we started to head to our box.

Trinidad had the most beautiful jerseys I had ever seen. They were plastered with so many different colours. I was kind of jealous that ours was so boring.

This game was really important. It was the first game and it was what really set our image. It was a really good game too. Fulton and Dean were deemed "The Bash Brothers" for their partner like enforcer technique.

About halfway into the game it was obvious that we were gonna win.

We skated hard down the ice and Adam had the puck.

"I'm open!" I yelled out.

Adam went to pass it to me, but it was intercepted by one of the Trinidad players, they skated down the ice and scored on Goldberg.

It was hard to be upset about that when they were so cheerful when they scored. They started playing music and dancing. It was hard not to dance so I just started bopping around on the ice to the beat of the steel drum.

"Line change!" Bombay yelled, but I was too preoccupied to notice. "James! Bring it in!"

I skated over to the bench and hopped over the board and sat down next to Adam who was frantically looking out into the stands.

"Hey, you got a girl in the stands?" Charlie asked.

"No, but he's got one in the box." He elbowed me in the arm. "Ow!"

"No, scouts, man. Look at 'em." He told Charlie.

"Don't worry about scouts,Adam. Just play your best." Charlie reasoned.

"Adam. If anyones gonna be noticed by scouts, it's gonna be you." I added.

"No, it's gonna be you." He argued.

"Don't boost my ego, Adam. If it gets any bigger it won't be able to fit in this arena." I joked.

"I'm serious, Di. You'll definitely be noticed." He said.

"That'd be a dream." I gawked. "Unrealistic, but a dream."

That game ended with us winning. We were starting off strong. Tibbles had even told us that we had a press conference the next day.

"So, like, we'll be on TV?" I asked urgently.

"Yes! You'll be in newspapers, on TV, you name it!" Tibbles cheered.

"Cool!" I beamed. I always wanted to be on TV. I was so excited.

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