His gaze goes straight to the date on the bottom of his HoloScreen. Reading 12:02; 04-09. His eyes go wide in shock.

Robin: "in September?! What happened to March? Better radio Batman."

His finger going to his comm set.

Batman: "Maintain radio silence at all times."

He remembers his mentor saying.

"Or not. But if I'm here that means so is Mason, so... where is he?"

He muses before walking to the edge of the rock, executing a quadruple flip. Landing perfectly, but something on top of one of the rocks catches his attention. The black shirt with the red S was clearly ripped off, that much the Boy Wonder can tell, but with nothing else, he scrutinizes the shirt.

In a shack in another part of the desert, Kid Flash's voice can be heard.

KF: "Pssst. Red. Red. Are you dead?"

We see Red Robin out cold as Kid Flash's gloves hand kept poking his face. Irritated the speedster did gently slap before following up with a hard slap making Red's arm thrust out and punches him in return.

KK: "Ow!"

Red sits up rubbing his cheek looking at Kid Flash rubbing his jaw.

Mason: "What the hell KF?"

KF: "Sorry! I had to make sure you weren't dead."

Red looks around seeing that they were in a shack in confusion.

Mason: "Where are we?"

KF: "Don't know. Maybe she knows."

He states pointing at a unconscious Artemis.  The boys walk over to her as Kid Flash sadly turns on the charm.

KF: "Hey. Beautiful. Wake up."

Artemis opens her eyes, groaning, but seeing through a hole in the roof, and on the edge of her vision, Red Robin and Kid Flash. KF decked out in Stealth colors. Closing her eyes as she brings her hand to her head as she sits up. She's taken by surprise when Red and KF is right in front of her. One smiles brightly while the other slightly glares, but she still scurries away. Grabbing her bow and moving until her back is to the wall, while Red takes out his bo staff.

KF: "Hey, it's okay. It's okay. We won't hurt you. We're one of the good guys."

He says, finally standing up.

KF: "You know, Kid Flash. Red Robin."

Artemis: "Seen Kid Flash on the news. He doesn't wear black. But Red Robin's cuter up close."

Artemis scrutinizes. KF looks down, just as confused as she is.

KF: "Uh, little unclear on that myself."

Mason: "What about you? Green Arrow fixation?"

Artemis looks down, shock covering her features and showing in her posture.

Artemis: "Who put me in this!?"

KF's eyes go wide.

KF: "Wow. I am not touching that with a ten foot- uh, so you know how to use that bow?"

Artemis: "Yeah, my dad taught me..."

She admits, the fear falls from her posture, only to be replaced by anger.

Artemis: "Dad! He must've done this. Another of his stupid tests."

Mason: "What kind of test?"

Artemis: "He probably wants me to kill you."

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