Gossip at the Round Table

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Lunch period came with a sense of buoyant anticipation.

Without organization, but completely on purpose, Sage knew her friends had spent the morning collecting all the rumours they could about the school's newest couple.

Sage was the last to grab a seat at the lunch table, her tray of food slotting perfectly into space between Iniya's and Sun's, her mood merry.

The group had been waiting for her, not for long she was sure, but all around the canteen rumours were already being whispered between friends.

Not that the humans would be able to hear them like she could.

Even though Sage was the last to the table, the canteen on a whole was only half full, and the Cullen table was noticeably empty.

"Who wants to start, the table is yours now we are all finally in attendance" began Sun, waving a chip as if they were a judge calling a trial to start. Or like a King to their councilors.

Sage had the distinct feeling they'd made the whole table sit in absolute silence till she'd turned up (in case she missed out on the gossip) a feat the fairy found impressive as well as slightly worrying.

"Well" said Noah somewhat apprehensively, (he wasn't normally the first to start these talks) "I heard from Meilin, who heard it from Kayleigh, that Edward and Bella had a dinner date Saturday night in Port Angeles".

"Ooo" hummed Imogen as she dipped a carrot stick into some hummus, "I wonder what they ate".

"Definitely unseasoned food" mumbled Iniya at the same time that Dahlia said "Something bland". The two girls shared a smirk.

"And I think Kayleigh's being legit cause her family always goes for dinner in Port Angeles" continued Noah, as if the girls hadn't spoken.

Interesting. Absentmindedly Sage wondered if Bella had figured out the vampire part before or after this supposed dinner date.

"Well I have good reason to believe the dinner date story because Jessica and Angela told me they went shopping with Isabella on Saturday and she bailed on them for Edward's hot date" stated Sun, confirming the rumour from Kayleigh.

Everyone at the table took Angela's name as verification for the story, being that the kind girl never lied. Not even for fun.

"Well I heard from Jordan this morning, that he saw Isabella and Edward coming out of the forest trails by their houses yesterday" divulged Imogen with an arched eyebrow.

The group seemed to chew on this piece of information for a moment, a dinner date was one thing but what could they have been doing for all day in the woods?

Plus, Jordon Brown lived three doors down on the opposite side of the street from the Swans, so this information was also probably true.

In addition, it probably meant Bella most likely figured out the vampire part after the dinner date, which Sage assumed had been awkward as hell cause Eddie boy eats nothing. Maybe that's what tipped Bella off...

Did that mean Bella had willingly gone into a forest with a vampire.. alone???

Sage wondered then if the girl was slightly brain dead. Or at least lacking in basic life preservation skills. No, there way no need to wonder, Bella was severely lacking in self preservation skills and continued to she proved it by spending time with a vampire. The thing that dinks blood.

Even if Edwin was a normal man going into the forest alone with him was still a bad move. Isabella had only been in Forks for a couple months.

"Okay so our current timeline is Saturday night and all of Sunday?" Puzzled out Dahlia, as if they were analyzing evidence for a court worthy case.

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