I'm gonna Beach you off so hard

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It wasn't raining, and since that was a rare occurrence in Forks, Sage took it as a good sign for the beach day ahead. Obviously her mum had predicted the nice weather but Sage wasn't about to knock the good omen.

Plus it was Saturday, the better day of the weekend.

"Ready 'Lia?" Called Sage to her sister as went to get her shoes on. They were picking up Iniya on the way so she didn't want to be late.

Sun, Imogen and Noah were carpooling together and would meet them there.

"Ready" replied Dahlia as she walked into the room, her hands full of scrap wood, a precariously balanced carton of petrol and a lighter.

"Planning to blow up my car?" Deadpanned Sage with an arched eyebrow.

"Only if tempted" teased Dahlia, her step and general vibe 200x more happier being it a day with no school.

Sage laughed but still made a point at removing the petrol from Dahlia's dangerous grip, her sister wasn't lying after all.

"Come on little shit" said Sage as she walked to the front door, grabbing her keys on the way "We both passed the first trial, the weather is actually kinda good. Let's go have funnn".

Dahlia smiled as Sage unlocked the door with ease and headed out, following close behind. Dahlia normally found her sister's excitement and general merriment somewhere between impressive and exhausting but today she couldn't help but indulge in it with her, especially after yesterday's trial.

"Catch you later mum!" Called out Dahlia as she left, letting the door slam behind her due to her occupied arms.

She heard no response from her mother but since her father was still here visiting from the Fae realm, Dahlia had no intention of finding out what might be happening behind the privacy wards on her mother's bedroom.

Hopefully she wasn't about to get another sibling.


First beach was beautiful. And subsequently one of Sages favorite places in all of the Forks area. And though it would never be Miami, Sage found something serene in how the grey blue waters blended into the grey blue sky at the horizon line. That liminal space where the world seemed to fuse together and still feel completely endless.

Sage smiled into the salty breeze.

"Can I have the gasoline?"

Sage laughed, looked over to where her sister had begun to set up a bonfire and shook her head.

"Dahlia it is definitely not late enough for that yet"   said Imogen with a fond smile.

Dahlia shrugged, she'd just try again a little later. The beach after all, was one of the places she let her pyromaniac tendencies to live out their full fantasies.

"You guys wanna go rock pooling later?" Asked Noah, who, despite the lack of a blaring sun, was wearing sun glasses. Sage had to admit they suited him, they were a classy pair of Ray-Bans that completely matched his shorts.

Imogen, Sun and Noah had turned up about ten minutes after Dahlia, Sage and Iniya, and in accordance to their half of the beach day planning, had brought a banquets worth of snacks— which Sun was already threatening to eat through though the group planned to stay out most, if not all, of the day.

"Sounds lame, I'm in" agreed Sun with a shrugg. They pretended they weren't really bothered but they secretly loved the adventure of finding all the little critters in the pool.

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